How is your blood pressure? | Arthritis Information


When i am on high prednisone, i am about 40 pounds less than not, that's how much water i get in my system from allergies, ra etc. and it leaves fast when it's upped.

Anyway, i'm overweight, but my blood pressure is always perfect and I mean PERFECT.
Anyone else notice a great blood pressure when it shouldn't be?
not every overweight person has high blood pressure
That's my standard joke in the doctor's office. Yes doctor, there's one thing that still works correctly. My blood pressure is normal even after two or three cups of coffee. My blood pressure is always ok, when I go to dr appointments, unless I am in pain, then it is elevated.
When I went for my Remicade infusion Monday my pulse was 120 and my BP was 180 over something, I do not remember what the second was, but it was not good LOL!
My MIL just checked my pulse for me a few mins ago and said it was down to 90. Monday night when she checked my pulse it was 150.
So... looks like a GP appointment for me soon.
I do not think I have high blood pressure. I think it was just raised because I was so worried about possibly getting my knee drained, as it was swollen, but not as bad.
Oh and my pulse & BP are always elevated when I go to the GYNO. I guess, I just do not like that place LMAO!
