MTX | Arthritis Information



For those who take, or did take mtx - do you ever get over that crappy feeling?   I've been on mtx for about a 1 yr now and never really had any side effects, but the last month or two, the fatigue is worse and I've gone home from work a few times and went to bed.   I was up to 25mg and did injections for a few months, dropped to 20mg and went back to oral in November.  Dropped now to 17.5mg and it just seems like it's bothering me more then when I was at a higher dose.   Maybe it's just the oral vs injectables and I should go back to injections.
If I didn't work, I could probably put with it, but it's a pain to deal with along with work.  I'm on Enbrel also (since August) and wonder if everyone takes both or if mtx is such a bother, if it's acceptable to just take Enbrel.   I know that two together work better, but is it really that much better?  

Are you having any other symptoms (Pain from RA) since the decrease in MTX? The increased fatigue could just be a symptom of RA itself.
I've been on MTX for years and I think in the last couple of years I have finally gotten to where I don't have to spend the majority of the following day vegging out. For the longest time I had to mark the day after off my calendar because I was always so tired and ill feeling. I guess it's been more than 5 years now and I really don't have that problem anymroe. Sometimes.....not always I will be sluggish; but it's nothing like it use to be.
I always take mine on Saturday night so I can have Sunday free if I need it. A lot of times though Monday's will be exhasting for me and by the end of the day I'm so ready for my bed!!
MTX does more for me than Humira did. For me (maybe not everyone) if I had to choose would be MTX.
i'm really lucky, never felt any side effects... only once, when i started reading them .. LOL
but i guess i'm lucky, but then again my system is already off w/ the bipolar..cathy are you from minnesota? If so where ? I am , also on mtx and enbrel,and trying to get off prednisone. I am not yet stable. I am on injectable mtx. I have heard it is better obsobed than the oral.
Hi Kel
I'm about 30 min south of Mpls.   Where are you at?   I never started prednisone - prescribed, but I held off, so I don't have to fight that battle.    
I took the mtx and lost most of my hair and became very depressed. I didn't have very many good days with it. I don't take it anymore I can't, I am 21 and I am just getting my hair back. Oy! It took about a year to get over the upset stomach.. but without MTX the  Biologics might as well be water. For me MTX is essential.I think the only side effect I've had is my hair thinned. Never got the upset stomach or anything.  My rheumy said without MTX, the other stuff isn't as effective.   I don't take prednisone unless I have to, absolutely have to.  I'm so blessed that I don't have to take it every day like a lot of you, but one day that could happen.   I also think the fatigue is probably from the RA.  For me, even with the drugs, fatigue is still one thing that has never gotten better, only gets worse.  By 5:00pm, I'm pretty worthless, by 7:00pm, i'm on the bed with the remote and only get up to go to the bathroom.meldozRA2008-03-13 06:49:13HOw much hair did you loose Ducky? The way you stated that it sounds as if you lost it all. Was that the case?
Cathy~One pill makes a huge difference for me. I can tell a big difference just by dropping one....or adding one for that matter.
I lost most of it, I had very visible bald spots mainly on the top, I didn't lose as much on the bottom. That's horrible! I'm sorry to hear that. MTX is my "Drug of Choice" as far as DMARDS go. I've been real lucky not to have those kinds of side effects. I've heard of some hair loss; but not actual baldness. Everyones body is different~I know that's right [QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv]It took about a year to get over the upset stomach.. but without MTX the  Biologics might as well be water. For me MTX is essential.[/QUOTE]

Yup!! I take Humira, and it works GREAT, but it starts to wear off after about 10 days if I don't take MTX. With the MTX in the mix, I'm virtually symptom free for a full two weeks. Prior to Humira, I was on 15mg of MTX, and it made me feel horrible for three or four days after I took my dose. I'm now taking 7.5mg, and I hardly notice any nasty effects. I'm certainly thankful I was able to cut my dose of MTX and still have it work so well with my Humira.
treefrog0012008-03-13 09:34:10You can take humira weekly if it ever comes to that Treefrog. That is an option if you need it. I was only zonked out when I started MTX, but that went away over time.  Could be that it was still the active RA and once the MTX had it under control, the tiredness disappeared.

Best wishes.
I told my dr that i was extremely tired after to taking MTX and he prescribed me Leucovorin calcium tablets. I am not sure if you are taking them or have heard of them but it is a pill you take 12, 24, and 36 hours after your dose of MTX. I am not sure how well they work but I can let you know after I try it for the first time this weekend. Good luck! Leucovorin calcium was a great help to me - it allowed me to tolerate MTX as long as I did. I do wish I had known that injectable MTX could help with 'gut' type misery.
I have taken enbrel, remicade, and humira with and without a 2nd dmard. The biologics seem to go the distance better with a 2nd dmard. Right now it is just humira due to high liver stats from arava (started last Nov). I don't know if I will try a lower dose of arava, when my liver stats are back to normal. I don't think I want to risk it. Scarey - absolutely no symptoms when my liver stats spiked sky high. 
They just caught it from your blood test right? Were your labs normal and then three months later at your lab visit they were up?
I haven't ever had a problem with it. I hope my luck holds out. It's the one med I honestly don't want to have to give up.
My liver values went up about 6 months ago and I stopped MXT for a few weeks and had labs repeated and they were just up slightly.  My RD had had problems with  this lab before and requested that I have labs done at the hospital lab.   I did and the values were normal and have continued to be normal.  Not all labs are the same.  Lindy  [QUOTE=Lovie]You can take humira weekly if it ever comes to that Treefrog. That is an option if you need it. [/QUOTE]

I'm really hoping it never comes to that. I'm a total wimp when it comes to shots, once every two weeks is plenty.

Strangely enough, I actually sort of enjoy my Friday dose of MTX. I take it about 6 PM and start drinking strong tea, usually 3 or 4 cups. The tea mitigates the MTX fog, and I actually wind up with a nice little buzz. I usually nod out about midnight, sleep like a baby, and wake up on Saturday feeling great. It might seem weird, but when you can't drink on Fridays, you take what you can get. Sounds like the combination is definitely better than solo, so I'll ask about the Leucovorin calcium  pills and consider going back to inject to see if it makes a difference.   
Lovie - didn't think one pill would make a difference, but guess it can.  I probably reduced too fast which didn't help much either.  Went from 25mg to 20 mg in November and then down to 17.5 in January.   The last drop was my insistence, with strict instructions to go back up if I start feeling worse - so I guess that means, I go back up.
