RA Survey - All the results are up now! | Arthritis Information


For those of you who are especially curious, the results of Page 1 of the RA survey, Initial Symptoms and Diagnosis, are now posted at:



Feel free to use this post to discuss the results.
I hope to have the other pages up tonight or tomorrow.  We'll see how my hands hold out...
InnerGlow2008-03-12 21:12:18 I'm getting URL not found with the link.

Forget that, tried again and up she popped.
Bodak2008-03-12 13:17:17Page 2 is now up as well.And page 3....wow what a good survey. I found the RF and reproductive questions the most useful for my current needs. Thanks for all that hard work! Suzanne, what you've done is AWESOME. Thank you SO SO MUCH!!
I want to get with you, to see if we can keep this posted somewhere on AH. What do you think?
Suzanne? I think Innerglow did all this :)And Suzanne is her name :)Yeah, I just figured that out.  Hoped to fix it before anyone noticed
Just got page 4 up.  Feet and hands are hurting so it's time to take a break.LoL Link :) S'ok. I knew you'd see it eventually!You have done an absolutely super job with this. A lot of work!!  Found it interesting, thank you.  LauraWhat an amazing job...well done!!!Suzanne, what an amazing job.  I love stats.  Lots of things to take into consideration but overall stats are really interesting.  LindyThis was so well done.  Concise and easy to read, making it possible to get a lot of information quickly and easily.  Thanks!!Great Job!! very interesting.Pages 5 and 6 are up...so that's the whole deal!
Thanks for the kind words.  I couldn't have done it without all of you.  And I am very grateful to have found this site when I needed it and benefitted from all the information, experiences, and most of all, caring.

awsome job !!

Thanks, it must have taken you a long time. Very detailed and precise.

Well done!

Thanks for posting the results, InnerGlow! I read the first page earlier today, have not made it around to view the others yet. But what I did look at was pretty interesting. wow! awesome job.  Just bumping for those who haven't seen all the results yet. Very interesting!!  Thanks for doing this! I'll be showing your survey to my RD at my next appt.  I'm sure she'll find it interesting and I'm curious to hear from her if she finds that the percentages reported, especially those involving the physical aspects of this disease, are in line with what she sees and hears on a daily basis from her patients.
Thank you for your time and effort.  Well done!
Very interesting ... and I've learned new stuff from your results!  For example, I didn't realize my neck lumps were an RA thing. 

Bravo on the great job and thanks!!!
This is all well and good.  Why aren't we TALKING about the results?
[QUOTE=Pip!]This is all well and good.  Why aren't we TALKING about the results?
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