Back to the pain dr. | Arthritis Information


When back to the pain doc today. I last saw him two weeks ago. He did 3 different never blocks in the neck, shoulder, upper back area. It was great for about a week and then I could feel everything tighten up again. It was nice not to have the headaches for once.

He did two nerve blocks today-same area. He said each time will last a bit longer. Now I go back in three weeks. Whoo hoo, a whole extra week of freedom! Today was not so painful as he did not manipulate the joints all over the place.

I start PT next Thurs. She is a really good friend of mine so hopefully it won't be too bad. I used all my charm and sparkling personality to try to talk him out of PT but no luck. Still, I really don't want surgery to fix this problem. I went online and researched how it would work and...NO WAY!

I am really impressed with this guy. I was afraid that he would want to use pain meds. as an answer. While I really appreciate all that they can do, they are not suitable for me right now. My 4yr old still needs me too much. I know that after a while they "loopy head" feeling wears off, but I just haven't wanted to go there. I do have Lortab for when things get really bad but it makes me super duper hyper. Anyway, he listened to what I had to say and he agrees with me. Plus, do you really want a teacher on pain meds working with biology students with scalpels? It would be like "Lord of the Flies". Hopefully these nerve blocks will work longer and allow the muscles to loosen up. He said my left side has the muscles of a 30 year old, but the right looks like an 80 year old. Hmmmm, we had better fix that before bathing suit time!Hey Rebecca,

For the back? I'm a little lost.  Hope you feel better by bikini season (which was at least a decade ago for me :-).
Keep us posted on how well those nerve blocks work.
Does it hurt to get them??
The inflammation in my neck, rt. shoulder, and sternum has apparantly tightened the muscles in that area. So it is really the upper part of my back leading up to the neck. He also said I have Thorasic Outlet Syndrome which is really just a fancy term for saying that the muscles are pulling against the thorasic artery. This causes numbness and tingling down the arm and for me to get way dizzy when I look up.
For surgery they can shorten or remove the first rib and/or detach some muscles. Let's just say..NOPE!

Well, I hope the PT and nerve blocks fix the problem. It still sounds super-duper painful, even when I read about your first round.

Much Hugs
Keep us posted.