Good on the computer? HELP ME PLEASE! | Arthritis Information


Are there any computer buff's out there that can help me? I've had enough of holding on a phone while some silly ladies tells me I'm next in the queue and then 30 mins later I'm still aparantly next and no closer to talking to a technician!

Everytime I go to open something on my computer it freezes. It seems to be when I click something and a new window needs to be opened that it does this. For example, I tried to post my pic earlier in one of the other topics and when I clicked on 'add an image' button, instead of opening a new window, the screen just froze. Any ideas which settings I change to solve this problem? Apologise if I haven't made any sense in this post but it's so hard to explain.

Thank you x

I'm a dummy, so just a few questions and no answers.
Do you have a firewall?
Maybe your cache is full? (Holds everything till cleaned out)

Ok, now that I have embarrassed myself with my limited knowledge, I'll wait for David to come home and he can laugh at my posting.


I am a computer technician. It could be a virus or spyware. If you go to this site there are some links to free - good- programs to remove them.
Hi xjennax,
If you haven't found a solution to the problem you have been experiencing, you may want to look at this site.  It's a trouble shooting page for when 'Windows' freezes or locks up.
The link below, is for basic trouble shooting for Windows
and this link is for 'Computer Hope'  home page
I hope these links will help you with the problem you are having.
I wish I could offer you a quick cure but so many things can happen with a OS and with out knowledge of what type of system and computer you are running, we would be just poking around in the dark.
I have also unclosed a computer support forum website, in case you want to ask experts on how to fix the problem you are incurring.  You will have to register with them in order to receive any feed back from them.  When I can not fix or find the answers to what is happening to my computer, I often will go to them for their input.  Many heads of knowledge is always better than one.
Hopefully you will get your computer working correctly.  I know how frustrating it can be when our computers are not working right.
Have a great Labor Day weekend...

Naw, Mike. You question "Maybe your cache is full? (Holds everything till cleaned out)". Was not bad at all. I know when my father-in-laws computer that he got back in 1998 and has windows 98, will freeze alot if he has alot of Temporary Internet files. After I delete them, scandisk, and then defragment his drive; it is back up and running like normal.

Now the firewall question. David might laugh at...But I did not...since I am new to do not really know what they are capable of not doing and doing. So, for me that would be a "think about & looking up"


Thank you for all of the suggestions. I'll get going and try them all out! It's defintaly not a virus because I have up to date virus definitions installed and I have scanned my computer. Don't mean to sound stupid but whats Spyware?Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate computers!!! They are so complicated and make no sense to me whatsoever. If in doubt, kick the bloody thing! *KICKS HER COMPUTER*
Spyware is computer code commands that are entered into your computer, with out your knowledge or permission, so unscrupulous people can gain access to your computer. They record information about your web surfing habits, your computer specs and of course, your personal information.
The link below will help you understand all about spyware and how to safe guard yourself and your computer.
Don't apologize for asking a question....we all had to learn what could hurt us while using the computer.  It is good that you are asking questions...IF you have any more questions, please fire away.  I am sure there will always be some one here who will help you with your questions.   We all had to learn the same way....
