Son 12 with JRA like symptoms | Arthritis Information


Hi I  Have a 12 year old son with Joint pain(shoulders, elbows, knees, back) This has been going on for months. His dr recommended Chiropractic, PT, they did do blood work for RA since I have sero neg RA. We are going back to the doctor again today with my guns loaded!.

 He is in so much pain I get calls for the school, texts from him and I spend a good majority of the evening massaging his back and shoulders. He also has alot of stomach aches---anyone else??? He is home today from school just laying on the couch , he says it hurts to move, sounds like my falres, and he says he feels warm even though he has not fever according to the thermometer.
 I have done some research and the closest ped Ra doctor is about 2 hrs away. Am I jumping the gun here? I posted this on the JRA Board but I know this board get a lot of traffic and was hoping for some great feedback as i always get here.
 Thanks , Chris
I think I just posted to you on the JRA board, I have JRA.HI Chris,
I have RA and a almost 11 year old daughter who is having the exact symptoms as your son.  We have been to her ped.  He did tests which were negative.  He suggested taking her swimming a few times a week.  We are doing that but I called back and left a message asking for a referal to a specialist, because I feel like I am not doing anything I cannot sit by and watch her suffer without more intervention.  They called me back and a referal is in the works.  They will call us with the appt. in the next day or so.
So, call your son's ped and ask for that referal.  It is too hard to watch them hurt without getting more answers. 
I agree - go ahead and get it either ruled out or treated.  If nothing else, for your peace of mind!  Moms with RA don't need the added stress!
Laura, I just replied to you on the 'environmental' thread. 
sounds like RA (or) a food allergy.  Does his stomach hurt more after he eats certain foods?
I have both and my body swells from head to toe with food allergies, it can even effect my joints.
Thanks for listening to your son when he hurts.  My parents ignored me so i lived with RA since a child not diagnosed until about age 32.
Have either one of you found a parents board for kids with JRA? The only one I know of is They should have a lot of experience with testing, and symptoms, etc etc etc. Hope that helps a little!Thanks Katie!  I found it today.  Actually,  I got an invite to check it out from another member on here.  There is alot of great info there!I will check out that site too. I took him to the doctor today and she evaluated him and found that the muscles on one side of his back were visibly swollen. He just was in so much pain. She did give him prednisone 10 twice daily for 5 days and said no more motin as it could be upseting his stomach.
 I know alot of you know what its like when you flare really bad and that is what I was getting from him, pain , he felt feverish, he felt like crap. If this hadn't gone on for a better part of a month, more with just the back pain, I would have thought it to be a virus. But we got a series of back x rays and am suppose to hear the results tomorrow. So I am keeping my fingers crossed , even the swollen one!LOL.
 My sister was recently diagnosed with an inflammitory arthritis too , as well as my older brother a while ago. I am calling it not my gene pool but my cess pool!
thanks for all the replies and please keep them coming!
Does he have a rash, or did he ever get one? He has never had a rash...but he is allergic to peas which caused his face to swell.