That's it, im jumping off a cliff (not really) | Arthritis Information


But part of me wants to.

It's the corn corn corn corn.
We were testing, i had great days when i didn't eat.... corn.
So after testing and wanting to cry from horrible pain this morning from the corn tacos last night, it is.... for sure.... the corn making my RA go through the roof.
I want to cry.  But, i am happy that i know of "another" food to eliminate, pretty soon i will be eating air soup every day.
I feel your frustration - now that we are going the same type thing with my daughter and dairy!
Someone offered her M&Ms yesterday and she ate a couple without thinking.  She said her stomach started hurting almost immediately and hurt the rest of the day.  I can't believe that little milk chocolate would do that, but she is convinced because nothing at lunch bothered her.  I told her I was sorry that happened, but I was still glad we knew what was making her sick and that mistakes like that would probably happen until she got used to it. 
Then she had popcorn for a snack at home.  She had eaten two packs from the box labeled 'Natural' and supposedly containing no milk.  Before she popped it, she said it had some butter in it.  I said no it doesn't, I checked before I bought it.  She held it up for me to smell the buttery smell and I said it must be artificial. 
She was sick last night with a headache and a stomachache.  Miserable still this morning.  I guess that pack was put in the wrong box or something.
Or it isn't a dairy problem and she is just sick again now that her amoxicillin ended.  I don't know of any infection that only causes a headache and stomachache, though.
bubbagump - flour tortillas?  Do they have milk in them?  Since you can eat cheddar, that gives you soft tacos and quesadillas.  
malted milk balls, m&ms are my worst candies with dairy to eat.
I can't eat popcorn unless it is plain. Things like popcorn, spagetti sauce etc. cause stomach aches when the stomach is in bad shape.  Basicly, the stomach is inflamed and full of soars, and you want to wait until it heals to introduce things that are hard on it like popcorn with fake butter, spagetti, oranges etc.
I know antibiotics cause stomach problems.
Most flour tortillas have milk, so do almost all breads, all cakes, lunch meats, hams, bacon, hot dogs, crackers, cookies, some fruit juices, fruit in cans/snack packs, gravy etc.
Almost everything has dairy so you have to read the ingredients.  Don't go by the words "contains dairy or milk" as if the product has less than 2%, they don't have to tell you on the products.  Usually milk that is under 2% will be called natural flavors, natural flavor or natural flavoring.
It is very very very very hard for me to find foods.  I can't eat any frozen dishes, some salsa etc.  It is a pain in the bum.
We can find some soft tortillas without dairy, but only one grocery store in town has them.
They had a segment on Good Morning America this am about how much corn is in things we eat and we don't even know it.  Main concern is it's calories, and that it is in things but the label doesn't call it corn.  I think they said you could go to their website for the list.  LauraHigh Fructose Corn Syrup!!!
If the link doesn't work, please delete any spaces and try again.
P.S.  This will only bold.  Sorry.
BF just read what he says is a VERY INTERESTING book called The Omnivore's Dilemma,
which looks at the history of corn in our culture. That's not what the whole book is about, but it does delve into our problems with modern food. I want to read the book but there's a waiting list of about 180 at the library.
corn is used in everything.
From sweetners, to stuff in desks and tvs, to corn dishes etc.  They also want the new gasoline to be from.... corn.
It scares me to think about how much we rely on it when it is bad for so many people.
Sorry, to hear that bubba. Maybe that is why I do not care for corn. Possibly bothered me when I was a kid. I do not eat anything white chocolate, because when I was a kid it upset my stomach to the point of vomiting and gave me headaches. To this day... I do not eat white chocolate. I can eat a little of brown chocolate, and I can eat a good bit of dark chocolate. Kinda weird how one chocolate type will make me sick.
Have ya'll heard of thespoons made from potatos? These spoons are made primarily from potatos and are fully biodegradable and compostable.
I just heard about them the other night when watching HGTV. I was like... I wonder if you can eat the spoon, if you were really really hungry and all you had a was a case of tater spoons. Wow, you guys. I'm so sorry you're dealing with these food allergies. Hopefully it will all be sorted out soon! *hugs*Joonie, do you think you might have a dairy problem.
The symptoms you had were symptoms of dairy and the darker the chocolate, the more my body can tolerate due to the lack of dairy.  White chocolate has the most, dark has the least.
I really do not know, bubbagump. I can eat a whole box of mac & cheese and nothing happens.
I cannot drink more than one glass of any kind of milk, except fat free milk, other wise I will get a bad headache.
It is the same kind of headache I get when I eat too much greasy foods. I get really bad headaches that hurt behind my eyes, and makes me feel sick. Only way to get rid of those kind of headaches, is sleep. Meds do not work on them.
I am not sure what kind of food allergies I have. Never paid it much attention except for if it got really bad, like the white chocolate and the whole milk and greasy foods.
wow this is a really good thread. I didn't realize that so many things had milk in them . 

if you have cheddar mostly in the mac and cheese, many people allergic to dairy can tolerate it, the aging process kills much of the allergy.

Do your fried foods have dairy in the batter?  If it is a thin batter, then probably not, but if it has a teeny bit or more of fluff then it most likely does.
I can't eat fish sticks due to the dairy, i get horribly horribly sick.
mostly KFC chicken, meatloafs, & pan crust pizza

I bet KFC moistens their chicken w/milk before they bread it.  Boyfriend that worked at Chick-fil-a said they did that, too.

Bubbagump - I'm going to see if my daughter is willing to try cheddar cheese.  Would have made last night's Mexican dinner better for her. 

Joonie -  You should try eliminating dairy for a few days, just to see what happens.  Since those few things bother you a lot, maybe the little bit in everything else is doing stuff you haven't realized.  My daughter noticed a big difference after just two days.  I think she had just gotten used to feeling so bad. 

I get very sick off KFC.  Before i knew i had dairy problems i kept eating it cuz i was stuck in bed, i think because it swelled my legs so much, that it was why i couldn't get out of bed, so i just kept feeding my allergy day after day.
I know kraft cheddar is what i use and don't have problems with.
Dairy is hard to eliminate, but not as hard as corn.  Corn is in everything in the form of corn or sugar.  But, always look over the ingredients before buying things and make your own food from scratch whenever possible.
I wish you well and am sorry that kids are going through all this.  It's frustrating enough for my husband to do the grocery shopping and he isn't sick.
