This is a fun place | Arthritis Information


You know I have been looking for a good fybro. message board.I have found some boards but they just aren't as fun as this one.Since reheumy. said I have fybro. and my good friends said I could still l stay, I just had to let you know I have gotten more support and had more laughs here than any of these other boards.One of the fybro. boards is full of stuff about gas and katrina.Which is serious and don't get me wrong it is something that needs to be talked about.But I find it so refreshing to come here,read the funny posts,sympathize ( I know I didn't sp that right

I just wanted to let you guys know that you are the best and thanks for letting this fybro. hang around.




                    We love you too sheila

P.S.  I still need to dig out that book for you, I know it's around here somewhere!  Heck I read that book so much, absorbed every morsel of it that I think I may have just wrote it! 