Has RA made you more emotional? | Arthritis Information


First of all, I don't suffer from depression.  I've been doing well with my medication and actually feel better than I have probably in years, now that I'm finally diagnosed.  So I'm pretty upbeat and grateful for each day.

But I can't help but notice how emotional I've been since being diagnosed.  I don't know if it's the medication -- Plaquenil is actually very mild -- or if knowing I have a chronic illness has just made me feel more vulnerable.
I've never been a 'crier', but lately it doesn't take much.  My husband had a quartet come to the door and sing to me on Valentine's Day and I bawled like a baby, lol.  I can honestly say I would NEVER have reacted like that before.  We are preparing to list our home because we're making a big move, and I got teary-eyed filling out the seller's disclosure statement.  Apparently I am more attached to my house than I knew.
Anyway, just wondering if I'm alone or if anyone has any insight about this "phenomenon."  I don't want to start crying at the closing of my house, after all. 
Oh I believe I am more emotional.  RA being the reason I don't know.  But also you become emotional when you are older if you know what I mean.  So mine could just be an "age" thing, hormones and all. 
How sweet of hubby I think I may have cried too.
I get emotional when I am over tired . When I find myself getting grumpy or crying I know it's time for a nap . After sleeping I am all better .
I only get really emotional when I am in a flare, I think it could be the stress. At least that is what it seems to be for me. yes and no...
I've learned to realize that things that I used to stress over, get upset over, get angry oer aren't worth my time or energy
However I've also learned to better appreciate those special moments
I agree! You do learn how to cherish time that you have. The good days are so much better than I think a person without JRA has, they mean more. I still need to learn how to not stress though. I don't know, I can't seem to get over that. Maybe with age and time I will learn. My husband sure hopes so! lol
But if I wasn't, I'd think Ginger had a sweetie for a husband.  A quartet?  That's adorable.  What did they sing?
Yes, I'm more emotional now, but I think it's more of a menopausal thing for me.Well i was lacking on sleep because of the pain and the high dose pred. I was so tired i was crying. Not even sad, not upset about anything. But i got some sleep and felt better. Well there was one or two things that upset me, but should really not have bothered me that much. Linncn, they sang "Let Me Call You Sweetheart".  OK,  I need to stop thinking about it because I'm getting "awl verklempt" again, ha.
Maybe it's partly becoming a mom, too.  My kids are 3 and 1.  Life has just been so full of change the last 5 years and maybe all of it along with having a health issue has brought my nerves closer to the surface.
Can't wait for menopause!  No, I was never into the crying.  As a matter of fact, I had my first big "meltdown" only a few weeks ago...first one since being diagnosed last Fall. Uncontrollable for like an hour or two.  I think I really needed it. 
 That said, I did find that I was very short tempered, crabby.  Now that my meds are working, I feel better than ever.  Not as quick to lose it with the hubby or the kids.  Gosh, that's who I feel sorry for the most, the kids.  I would lose it and then immediately apoligize.."Mommy is sorry, she just doesn't feel good and is crabby and it's not your fault, it's mine" type stuff. Broke  my heart that it would happen, but they get it , I think.  Over the last few weeks since I've been feeling good, I've made it a point to say , "  I feel great today!  I'm so happy to feel good, Mommy is in a terrific mood!"
It's amazing how pain can really wear on you and those you love.
I have learned that after getting married. I have been married for about 1 and a half years. So it has worn on our relationship, and I have to try harder to make sure I am happy for him and not complaining. I love him too much! He has gotten better dealing with my bad days. A growing experience!I'm still undiagnosed, but I know that going through chemo profoundly affected my emotions. I look at it from the perspective that God softens our hearts when we become grateful. I am not the same person with the relentless striving to do this or that that mostly doesn't mean anything anyway in the long run.

Crying is as much part of a healthy emotional response as is laughter.

I just do this one day and take it from there.

Hi Ginger,

How sweet.  My husband and I love Hawaii.  Well he decorated the loft to look like a beach, had music playing (hawaiian) and even had a fan blowing on the wind chimes to make it feel like we were outside.  He then prepared a meal and we had our dinner up there.  I started to bawl as well.  I was so stunned that someone would care enough to do something like that.  They were tears of joy, not sadness.  The long and short is accept the tears...they are a natural part of life.  What sweethearts we have. 
Take care,
I do get emotional when my flairs take over, i get sad, cry, think about things and I don't think i do it on purpose, i think it's the Ra itself effecting emotions.I like a good cry every now and then. Watched I am Sam (with michele pfieffer and sean penn again and blubbed my eyes out last week... it feels so refreshing to have a good cry).
I'm an annoyingly positive person (so my family tell me), not really given to being crabby but pain has a way of changing that.  I'm continuing to have a good time of it at the moment and its very noticeable to family and friends and me. So, yes,  I think I have become more emotional since RA dx due mainly to frustration and pain and shock and anger and.... well you guys know.
I've always been a bit emotional, but lately my moods are on a rollercoaster. When I'm down, I cry because I feel like such a downer! Well, Duh Deb. When I'm in a good mood, I expect everyone else to be in a good mood to and want to do things, like I do. But if they don't feel like doing anything, I get so pissed. It really has nothing to do with them, it's all me. Then I feel terrible and apologize up and down. It's so messed up. I too, had a melt down last week and everyone, including hubby (who hates confrontation) went their own way, to stay out of mine LOL. (I don't blame them) But, I felt like I needed my husband more than ever and I was so mad at him for not being there for me when I really needed him. Now I realize that all I had to do was tell him that I needed him there for me, and he would have been, in a heartbeat. I just feel like whatever is going on in this body of mine, is taking over my brain as well.  (I'm still undiagnosed)The hardest thing I had to learn was how to tell my hubby that I needed him. He's not in my mind and can't feel the pain or frustration. We have come up with a code word/look that I can give him and he knows what to do from there. I have a wonderful hubby!i am definately unstable.  emotions all over the place - alot of anger in there too.   what a special man you have in your life!  I know! I am a special little woman!
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