Why do women talk | Arthritis Information


and talk and talk..

Since joining this board it has become obvious that a lot more women seem to suffer this disease more than men, well at least they want to talk about more than men.

In my personal experience with male sufferers they will talk for a short time and then just get on with it and do.

Women on the other hand seem to want to internalize the whole process and talk untill they are back where they started, ........  and then start it all again.
From this blokes perspective I can't understand how anyone can feel better while continually keeping ones ailment at the forefront in their minds.

I know one bloke who is in difficultly but all he will say is "bloody hands up the creek today" or the foot, whatever, and then ask "hows your day going".
All that might take 5-10min before getting back to doing what ever we were at.

With women, that situation seems to signal it's time for a natter and would still be going strong a few hours later.
I was guilty of this myself at the beginning.

Yes, I have seen it and read it here, but would like to point out that I am also generalizing and know that would not be the same with every situation.

I can understand the newbies wanting to talk, they need to, they need answers.

In short, women internalize where men externalize.
IF you think it, breath it, talk it, you are it.

I have had one contact from a member on this board who has stated that she finds this board very depressing when she herself is not up to par.
Wheres the good news..

The day that a man understands a women and a women understands a man. Well probably won't happen. But usually i am more prone to talk when drinking alchohol. LOL Men i have read are more prone to keep there health issues private. You were probably rasied that way. And thanks it's been at least weeks or days scince a man has said i talk to much. LOLGee, what can I say? I guess we're just inherently inferior creatures. The women I know are such open kind of ladies . We talk about

anything from our bodies to stuff going on around the world .
None of us are embarrased to bring up any subject .
My father will tell me what is going on with his health but when he goes to
the Dr he says he is fine . He put me on the" talk to the Dr" list so
she comes to ask me how he is really feeling . (I always take him to the DR )
I don't know why he will not tell the one person who can help him.
[QUOTE=maimi]T [QUOTE=milly]The day that a man understands a women and a women understands a man. Well probably won't happen. But usually i am more prone to talk when drinking alchohol. LOL Men i have read are more prone to keep there health issues private. You were probably rasied that way. And thanks it's been at least weeks or days scince a man has said i talk to much. LOL[/QUOTE]

AMEN My oldest son cannot stop talking.  Once when he was 3, and we were about 2 hours into a long car ride, I asked him to please stop talking for a while because his brother was sleeping.  Very indignantly, he said he could not stop the army of words that was marching out of his mouth. [QUOTE=SnowOwl]

I know a lot of males who will talk openly, willingly and at length about themselves, their lives, and even their problems.  Especially if the person listening is a sympathetic woman. 

/Don't assume that because people, and it does seem proportionately women more so, on this forum will write about their lives, their problems, etc., that they are obsessively and exclusively concerned with RA.  This is an RA support forum, it's where they come to do that, vent, share, and it isn't all negativity, there's a lot of good humor and caring.  Then they turn their computers off and get on with their lives.  It's a mistake to think that the people you read online are all they appear to be online,/ online is where they can be more open, perhaps, than on the other side of the monitor.
EXACTLY snow owl!  Since being diagnosed I have traveled extensively, gone on two ski trips, and continue to walk 5 miles a day, 6 days a week!  All since being diagnosed in January. I have 2 children involved in 3 sports.  My life is way full and marching forward, but I continue to have questions.  It might not always be like this, but for now this forum has been a great source of info and support.
TheLa2008-03-14 16:03:03

It is not that RA is always in the forefront of my mind, it is that I just keep getting let down or realize I still am not to the point of being my own person again. I still have to depend on others to help me, I am not so independant, like I once was.

Take today... I am having a good day, not much is bothering me. I was able to do most of what I wanted to do and I even washed a few dishes. The most pain I have had today was a VERY bad headache I woke up with around 8am, went back to sleep and woke back up when son woke up around 12pm and my headache was gone.
But he brings up a good point.  Let me give a different example - sexist tho it is.
Men are problem solvers.  It's got to be in the Y chromosome.  Women need to 'work thru' the problem.  They also are solvers, but of a different nature.  Once they internalize it and 'understand it' they can move on.
So - for the example.  Let's say the woman is being sexually harassed at work.  She comes home and talks about it to her SO.  The SO, thinking he needs to 'do something' goes off and beats up the boss.  Problem solved.
Until he gets home and talks to the woman.  She's pissed as hell because now she has 2 pissed off men to deal with.
Did she want him beat up?  Possibly - but in reality - she was looking at the problem from all angles and figuring out what to do about it.  She's now pissed because she now has two problems to 'work out'.  She was looking at all repercussion of what she was going to do and how it would effect 1) her 2) her SO 3) her family 4) her job 5) the rest of the people she works with 6) the city and 7) the world at large. 
I think if we look at how a person 'evolves' on these boards we see how they are coming to grips with what has happened to them.  And how it's going to impact the rest of their lives.  And how they are going to 'grieve' and get on with it. 
I know I'm less angry than when I was diagnosed.  I'm still mad as hell' but I'm moving on.
Like Cordy says - I think maybe we get stuck in a loop because we haven't dealt with it yet.  We need to take charge of our health so we're not just reacting anymore. 
P.S.  Getting your charts would be an excellent place to start.  :-)
Pip!2008-03-14 16:37:48I think a lot of it is the way society tries to mold us into certain roles.  Men are supposed to "buck up and be a man about it"  while society gives women permission to be more vocal and inquisitive.  Plus, that's the way we're wired.  It's just who we are, in general.  I agree with Bodak's observation that it sometimes seems there is too much focus on talk and not enough action.  There's a real danger in getting too mired in the whole RA thing.  Discussion is good, research is good, communication is good, venting and whining is good as long as it doesn't become the main focus of our lives.  Because most of us don't talk about what we do with the time we're off-line, there's no way to know what/if we're doing anything except thinking about RA.  I think most of us live pretty full lives once we log off.  Actually I do go through phases where I talk a lot, but usually in the form of poetry or "musings"...rather than talking about myself.  Sometimes they are very personal and revealing though.
Truely the allergy post kept my mind off the RA pain for a while as i am pretty much experienced in that subject. Just chatting was helpful. And hearing how everyones day is going. I know alot of men that all they do is talk and gossip. But probably more about other people than themselfs. I have had trouble getting a word in edge wise with some men i could not keep up. Most women are good listeners too . We are not afraid to hug a friend
in need . We are not embarassed to cry with a friend when they are
sad . We are not afraid to hold hands in public when your friend just needs that.
I know in myself that I have alot of love to give to those I care about.
And they know it too .
I used to be a talker, sorta, depending on who you asked. (grin) I am  not a talker  anymore at all. Some would find that amazing, ebbing on a miracle!lol  
I guess in a nutshell some women have a lot to say.They more than likely enjoy speaking describing, analyzing, and teaching others. THen there are other women who just like to dominate the conversation, to be heard, to have audience .......maybe it is their way of coping with a situation, maybe they are nervous.........who knows.
I have known many men who talk,talk, talk yackity yak and so forth as well.....lol
This is the only place I talk about my JRA, my family can't handle it. Anyways I live life as much as I can and have never let JRA stop me, NEVER! I try not to focus on it too much its depressing, but I have enjoyed being around you all lately, you all understand, and you don't get depressed when I talk to you. Men should learn to talk, but they have a different psychology. Their brains aren't hooked up like us..Mmmhmm this is the only place I really talk about it too. I mean, I talk to Lizzie and Shannon and Karen and a few others outside the board, usually for more intimate details and questions that I don't want to share here.
But finding this board has been a TRIP. Look, I'm a member of *a lot* of message boards, and I've made more long standing friends from this one than any other. And 99% of our conversations are NOT about RA.
I think it really is just the difference between men and women.
Why do men leave the toilet seat up? Ya know?
[QUOTE=arriscolwell]Mmmhmm this is the only place I really talk about it too. I mean, I talk to Lizzie and Shannon and Karen and a few others outside the board, usually for more intimate details and questions that I don't want to share here. Yup. Why can they not move the milk out of the way in the fridge to see the OJ jug right behind it? "I don't see any" As they stare like a deer in headlights into the fridge. LoL
I mean, do we really wanna turn this into a man VS woman war? I don't!
Stephen I wonder how you feel about being on this forum with so many more women than men? I can see why you asked this question. Of course i thought that sounds like something my ex would have said, Stephen is brave to say this on a forum that has more women than men. LOL But of course you did not hurt my feelings any i was just kidding i want you to know this. So what is it like for you and Allen being some what of the minority as RA effects more women than men? I have always been interested in sociology. [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Yup. Why can they not move the milk out of the way in the fridge to see the OJ jug right behind it? "I don't see any" As they stare like a deer in headlights into the fridge. LoL Ah yes...I call those phenoMENons "born with servants"..(.aka Mom).OK, and I must confess... whenever Tom Dart, Cook County Sheriff, is on the news, I am frozen like a deer in the headlights.  OMG I think he's hot. Oooooohkay....I admit I get doe eyed when I see cupcakes.Way to go, Stephen, I think for opening up one of the real issues here.

I do know Alan, that you talk a lot, through your writing too but I just found it an interesting observation that your response and Stephen's to your RA was action oriented primarily. Pick up camera, and/or take dog and get outside in the fresh air. Both of you use that as a tool for coping with this disease. And it has made me look at myself and think, "Well, what can I use as tools to cope with this thing?"

I too, am angry, Pip. I am so, so angry that I have to deal with this thing but I do and I can either stay angry and stuck or use that anger to get my life back.

I think we do get bogged down in the nastiness and negativity that is RA. We do need to find ways to haul ourself out of it for sure.

I am not interested in talking about how bad it is all the time. We know that. And yes, sometimes all of us need to vent but at the same time I want to find ways to overcome this thing and live a great life regardless.

And this is where we'll start into the conversation of "off topic posts"
And you'll get people bitching that they're not any good, and others who assert that we're all people just looking for other people like us to talk to.
Gah. I can see it all now. It's like we've been here before..........
Oh wait.....WE HAVE!
P.S.  It's that cycle thing, I swear!
Katie thats like watching a movie and telling people that have not seen it the ending. A lot of new people. That is why we are so repeative. Yes the same story different day. But almost everyday someone is where we were at yesterday. If i say the same thing it may be for a different person. Or else it is something worse this flare than last or something i can not come to terms with. Been there done that will not help newbies. They have to enjoy the experience themselvs, good or bad we can not protect them.I don't start a lot of topics but I do read them.  I guess my thinking is that this board is for RA and everything that goes with it.  Not so much a general let's have fun.   Sure there are OT topics but most have to do with RA one way or another.
I post on other boards.  The "in general boards".  And I haven't told anyone on there I have RA or what it's doing to me.  We talk about kids, pets, clothes, crafts you name it.  Maybe if someone is feeling down then they should skip this board for the day.  I don't always come here.
The last few days I have because I have been home with a child that had a nasty procedure done and when he's napping or something I want something to read to keep myself busy.  And besides someone may be venting about how they feel or how something hurts and you think, hey I have that.  Then read and learn.  A few tricks to help releive the pain.  And let me tell you learning a few tricks to help with pain is always a good thing.  Especially those of us who have to meds to help with the pain.
No no Milly, I meant, we've had HUGE blowouts before where people fight about whether or not it's fitting to have OT posts.
And I felt us heading that way *again*. LoL
We like to repeat ourselves on here!
A lot!!
No no Milly, I meant, we've had HUGE blowouts before where people fight about whether or not it's fitting to have OT posts.
And I felt us heading that way *again*. LoL
We like to repeat ourselves on here!
A lot!!
LOL Milly - enjoy the experience themselves!
You caught that did you PIP !!! LOLKatie that hurt my so small brain. LOL LOL I do what I can!!
See, we don't talk ONLY about RA!!!! We're insane in OTHER ways too!
This is not an OT thread, I see it as very much on topic.

I have started this thread and the others this morning in the hope that it will make people think.
Think about how they are handling this disease and could there be another away of seeing things a little differently.
Could there possibly be something that I could do that may change my way of thinking and therefore have a posative affect on my body.
They say laughter is very good for us. Could laughter have an affect on us that begins to right a  chemical imbalance.

Is there something that we can do to trigger a posative response with us.

This is not about men verses women.
This is not about repeating our stories to the new comers, they need to know as much as we can give them.

I'll repeat what I said at the beginning, if we think it, talk it, live it, we are it.
Be blowed if I want to be Mr RA.

There is an answere out there and I am looking for it, just not  in medications.

Well I think this board is well balanced. I don't see the majority of people "consumed" by their disease.
If they were, there is no WAY we'd get off on the wild threads that we do. We get so lost in normal conversation. Sure, there's always going to be those few people who allow it to define them. But a lot of us are here to be a wise word or guiding hand, and just a buddy in general.
I look forward to coming here to see how my friends are feeling, and see how they're going to make me laugh today. Mostly I'm excited to see how they'll make me laugh. :)
Some days I have have diahrrea (sp? I'm tired...) of the mouth - especially when I have to take vicodin! I can't answer the question of why women talk. I dunno, it just seems like the right thing to do. We're all about offering advice and trying to make things better. It's that natural nurturing maternal instinct I suppose.
However, I do know several men that can talk and talk and talk. You know, the kinds that answer their own questions and have complete discussions with themselves!! "I'll repeat what I said at the beginning, if we think it, talk it, live it, we are it.
Be blowed if I want to be Mr RA"
RA has never defined who I am and hopefully never will.  I'm a dynamic woman who chooses to live my life like I don't have RA and all of the complications.  I've just accepted the fact that I have a chronic illness, talk about it very litte, don't allow it to interfere with doing the things I love and continue with my life.  My life may be modified a little but I still am who I was before RA.  And yes, I can talk a lot and am quite proud of my verbal skills.   Bodak, you might be surprised at the really intersting lives that some of us have.  There are a lot of talented, intelligent, and dynamic people that post daily.  Lindy
I think the perception that women talk more is quite overrated. Guys talk plenty but it's mostly business or other stuff that interests them. I probably talk too much compared to the average guy, but I see a lot more detail in things and consider them worthy of discussion. There is a decided guy factor in how much we verbalize however. If a guy has to talk and verbalize all day, chances are very good when he comes home, his quota has largely been reached and he probably ain't going to talk much.   first stephen you're one of my fav people here..
next read Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars..
I'm soo sick of hearing people say "take action, when it hurts to f**king pick up the remote,
hear about 5 mile walks, greaaaaaat, thanks.. when i can barely walk a block, at times..or even half.. or a 1/3!!!
or only get my mail every other day..
No car, is a HuGE HUGE thing, for me.
Bc i'm also bipolar and RA.. I HAVE to think about it.. there isn't this like ohh really easy choice... since it continually sneaks up on me and BAM out of nowhere.. PAIN..
Plus, i'm trying right now to deal w/ finding the right sleep meds and get used to a new med..
yeah, great would Love not to think about it..I'm a very impulsive person.. thats changed.. and it SUCKS..
somedays, it hurts to just pick up a cup, a plate, or even the O magazine!
I'm a pretty optomistic person, but this disease SUCKS.. and ignoring it? yeah right..
right.. like i can!!
If i had a car, thats what relaxes me, drives.. i'm got a project, i'm slowly working on .. that might produce a car, but its going to take awhile..
I think sometimes too, people don't get how BAD it is,  i hear about the really bad cases, then feel i can't post.. but i'm still in Pain, can't get things done, still fatigued horribly..
I'm emotional, a venter, it Helps.. i can't do ACTIon.. can NOT do, do you know how
hard that is?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not even organize my house, bc my wrists and knees are soo bad..that even just walking a little bit in my apt, HURTS...
yeah, and i'm also in a mood, Lol.. not to you personally or anyone, but I'm soo f**king tired of this!! and hearing other people's stories of oh yes, just do it.. piss me off
i have tried and ended up , sick and in bed, for a couple days.. thats just mild stretching..
so thats why i talk, bc my mouth works!! lol
I am glad people can do stuff, cool, but please don't think that just bc you can,
means everyone else can ... or should..
a grouchy Whisperd~  but i'll throw in some creamed cheese brownies, if that helps! lol
_popupControl();^ I'm afraid I agree with gimpy-a-gogo, mate. What you were trying to do came from the right place, but your assumptions are simply not true and I wouldn't blame anyone if it rubbed them up the wrong way. Plenty of women here have NO CHOICE but to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and get on with their lives  - we are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters first and RA generally comes 49th on our list of worries for the day. Just because people have a bit of a whine here, doesn't mean that they are in some self-wallowing belly-aching cycle of being a victim. This board is the only outlet for some of us who can find others who share the same, very rare disease as us. I doubt that you would be so arrogant as to make those kinds of assumptions for any other kind of disease, telling a bunch of breast cancer patients or MS patients to "get over" their illness is incredibly rude and mean. You cannot choose how people deal with their illness. People here learn about their illness through knowledge, and it helps them manage their disease better. If you don't like the way that individuals deal with their illness, then I would suggest that you ignore them or not get involved in their conversation. You shouldn't let other people ruin your day. You have the right to remain silent! :P
_popupControl(); paperdoll2008-03-15 04:01:21I find this topic fascinating. I think I have to agree with Stephen when - I know it's late and I'm paraphrasing here, but we have a choice to let our illnesses consume our lives until we are defined by it, or we can choose to live our lives and oh by the way, we have these illnesses. We only have one life to live. I really feeel for those who are bedridden or unable to go for walks, but you can have tea with friends or neighbors, take pictures of your goofy kids or animals, read in bed or watch old movies.
I will not let my illnesses define me. I have a very busy full life, a wonderful hubby, one son who's birthday is next week, he graduates this year and today got notified he got accepted to the college of his dreams. Eldest son joined the Air Force and got waylaid by an emergency surgery, but in the meantime met the lady of his dreams. I have 3 dogs that I've rescued and a kitty too. Sometimes life or the pain from my flares or illnesses gets to me, but I have to be the best wife and mother I can be. I fight everyday to help this family work. I know we need money for college, so I applied to over 30 different businesses. No one seems to be hiring, but I keep trying. I very happily gave up my carreer when I had my children because I knew I only got one chance at this and I was not going to hand them over to another to raise while I worked, but that is just me. The bad news is, I cannot go back to the same carreer, but I got an interview this Sun. at a craft store. Not extactly what I want to be doing at this stage in my life, but I look at all opportunities as a way to grow.
Sorry, now I am just rambling....
Stephen, your pictures are breathtaking!
With that, I will say good night. I hope you all wake up with less pain and have a brighter tomorrow.
Whoops....I deleted my post because I didn't want to get into a prolonged discussion...sorry paperdoll, your post wasn't up yet or I probably would have left my comment up.
^ No, it's totally cool and I understand. I don't like the fact that women are stereotyped whingers, it is one of my pet hates, because I know that it certainly isn't true for myself. I refuse to pity myself because of something I cannot control, and I will never let RA define who I am. You made some really good points in your original post, but I agree it would be silly for us to fight relentlessly and nit-pick about cross-generational misunderstandings - I think that there are more important things to discuss, like the different types of pancakes we enjoy.  _popupControl(); I "think" I understand what your trying to say Bodak so I'm going to give my own opinion as to why women go on about things where men don't.

When a man say's or indicates he's not well, people take it seriously, show concern and have real compassion. On the other hand, when a woman complains of not feeling well, we more or less get a roll of the eyes and get very little compassion and concern. It's business as usual and we're expected to go on like always.     

I'll use my own case as an example. When I got my diagnosis, my husband didn't want to hear my complaints. I can't tell you how much he hurt me and I don't think I can count how many time's I accused him of not caring.   I would talk, cry and read to him about this disease and I never felt like he listened, much less cared.    

It was my Dr. who got through to him (the other man) before he really took my disease seriously. I had my second heart attack and my Dr. knew I was way too stressed trying to keep on like I had before I felt pain. He really raked my husband over the coals!!

When I asked him why he didn't want to talk about my problems, he told me he thought that if he didn't talk I wouldn't think about it and he thought that if I was going to get "past" this disease. I needed to be tough and "not let it keep me down".   

Now, he's absolutely wonderful. He still doesn't talk about it much, but he does act so I've decided to accept his silence. He seems to know when I don't feel well and acts accordingly by taking care of the needs I can't do without complaints and without the guilt trips. I can't tell you how grateful I am for that, but I still don't really have anyone I can talk to when I feel the need which is why I come to support boards where I can "talk it out".

Women talk to each other because other women listen to them. They're about the only one's who do!! If they don't understand, they try and at the very least, they pretend to understand with utmost patience.   

I think that men see discussion about one's problems as a sign of weakness. Too bad for that too.

Love and God Bless,
Vicki I am pretty much with "whispered" on this.
I work at home so i have to sort of be around the computer and the phone during the day. It is slow this week. That will change soon. Also i am rather in the mist of a bad flare. So i am a bit grounded this week. Hey when i was not flaring for a bit i picked up and moved to Florida. That takes a bit of inititive. The pain has been my worst problem this week. So as much as i could keep my mind on anything RA related or other wise the better. When i have felt well enough. That is the few hours i was not in pain i cleaned my house and cooked and did dishes, went to the doctors. I sometimes go out and get some sun under my palm tree. I am sitting in a computer room/family with an eighteen year old boy and a fifteen year old girl. They are on there computers playing games. We have conversations across the room. We got are chores done. I have been in and out of bed alot this week. The people on this forum give me insperation to get up and do more. The stereo is playing in the background the sun is shinning the hottub is turned on and my brother will be here for a visit anytime now. Anyway i do not just sit here all day. I just check in alot. I am trying to stay busy and moving as much as possible. Just trying to answer your question. But yes the pain has been keeping me from sleeping properly. I can not just lay in bed and moan at night. If it does not work for me i get up and get on the forum for a bit till the pain pill kicks in.

This a subject I can talk all day on. I've talked about it here before many times. Not so much the difference in men and women; but the Power of Positive Thinking and The Law of Attraction. I've read many books on the subject and I've practiced the principles in my life and I've documented the results. You have to retrain your mind to think this way. It doesn't just happen. When ever you have a negative thought....you have to quickly replace it with a positive one.

If you constantly say "I'm never going to get better. I'm only getting worse" you'll continue to decline. BUT; if you wake up everyday and fill your mind with positive thoughts like "I'm getting stronger everyday. There's nothing I can't handle" you'll see yourself become stronger and stronger. Does it cure you? No. But you'll be able to manage life's difficult challanges more successfully day after day. Before my head even lifts from the pillow every morning I fill my head with positive thoughts "Today is going to be a great day! I can handle every obstical before me. I'll have all the answers to questions put before me today. I'm strong. I'm pretty. I am smart" It's amazing the difference it makes in my day.
I've learned first hand that the statement "As I think it; I am" is a very powerful statement. I challange all of you to practice these principles for one month in your own life. Believe that they can work......and you'll see amazing results.
Strangely enough Joel Osteen is talking on this subject as I type this. He says "You'll going to become what you believe" I personally choose to believe I'm going to be a Strong, confident, successful HEALTHY person. "You gotta change your thinging." (Joel's words.) "Reprogram your thinking"
Lovie2008-03-16 07:20:52
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