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NEw but have been reading.ne It sounds like everyone here are good friends and know so much about eachother, how good is that?

There are several message boards out there  I have found while trying to learn about this Rheumatoid stuff, but this one seems to be the most active and I like that.
JUst on here to say hello and I am here for the long haul like all of you. I have not checked out all the parts to this site...so  I am   wondering if they have a link for grief for this disease and how it tears your life apart?
Hello and welcome.Hi JT and welcome! It's a good website to ck out. Lots of info from lots of great peoples. How long have you had ra? So sorry you have this nasty disease but this is a good place to talk about it with others that have the same things going on.
take care
HI JT!!!!! Nice to meet you :)
We are a pretty good bunch here! And we LOVE us some new people!! So join in anytime!! :)
Hi Jt...welcome!Hi and welcome!
This is the calm before the storm.  LOL  Soon, very soon, we'll all go beserk and freak out about something like whether or not we should take paper or plastic or if we should use ranch or french dressing or God Forbid - we should hang the paper roll over the top or down the back!
LOL Pippy don't scare the new people!!
So JT, Where ya from? How long have you had RA? What meds are you on, and are they working?
Hi JT.......Welcome to the board.  I'm glad you found us and I'm looking forward to getting to know youHello, JT, and welcome!
So sorry to you had to find us, but glad to hear you're reaching out. RA is definitely nothing you need to be tackling alone. It sounds like you're looking for an outlet for your emotional pain and you've found the right place. Start a new topic and let it rip. Get it all out - happy to pissed to feeling defeated. We've all been there at one time, or are there now, and know exactly what you are going through! Let us know a little about you and your RA relationship and ask away if you have any questions whatsoever. Welcome to the AI family!
Hope you have a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening! *hugs*
Hi JT, welcome to our family, best of luck, Janie. Hi JT,
Welcome.  I'm new too but wanted to welcome you.  This is a great place to learn and ask any questions you have.  Everyone has been very helpful to me and I'm glad I found this board. 
Take Care,
Such a warm welcome, thankyou! I learned I had this disease about 2 weeks ago I think it was. I was devestated to say the least. It is quite severe and really bad. I have talked to a few friends about this but they do not understand. Neither do I.
I do not give out where I live, ages of children,marital status OR AGE online....I will say that I am a twin and the only  difference other than our gender between us is that he has a beard and I don't....not yet anyway...lol Oh, and he does not have RA that we know of.
I am on prednisone and some other pill for swelling until I get the results of more tests. They seem to be working.

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