New to these boards, but not to RA.......!! | Arthritis Information


I am a 56 year old woman, who was diagnosed w/RA at age 5.  After a lifetime of flares and remissions, I have had 3 total hip replacements and 1 total shoulder replacement.  I have currently been in a major flare for over a year now, and have tried both Humira and Enbrel over the past 6 months, with no benefits from either one?  I have now had 3 infusions of Orencia, and am very hopeful that this will be my "magic charm"?!  I just wanted to introduce myself, and to tell you all how much I appreciate the wisdom, compassion and support that I see on these message boards.  It is so comforting to "meet" others who truly understand.......hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!!


Hi dogmom and welcome!  You're not kidding when you said you're not new to RA!  I hope the Orencia works for you.  I'll probably be starting it next month myself.

Looking forward to seeing you around here.

Thanks for the welcome, Inner Glow, and good luck with Orencia.  Have you tried any of the other biologics already??  I only wish it didn't take 3-4 months to see if they work for you?  It's so hard to be patient sometmes!

Welcome here Dogmom ! Good luck with the Orencia .
Welcome. I'm a newbie to both RA and the boards.Glad you are here.
Hi dogmom, that's quite a story. Welcome to the board!Hi there!  Welcome to the board.  I sure hope the Orencia works for you, and that it works fast.  Sounds like you could use a break.  One must be around the corner. :)Hi dogmom and welcome.  It always makes me feel so sad when I read about children having this disease.  It must have been especially difficult for you because there were no aggresive treatments like we have now.  I guess with all things considered, you've done quite well over the years.  I hope the Orencia works like a miracle for you.  I think you deserve a break right about now, don't you? Hi and Welcome.  Those long flares really turn your life upside down.  I'm on the downside of a major, 3 year flare.  I'm in clinical remission with RA but PA is still painful.  I've tried Enbrel and Remicade without any positive results.  Went backwards to give Humira a try and it with MXT have been my "magic charm".  I like that term.  Keep posting, there are a few of us on the board in our 50s and 60s.  Lindy
Welcome to the boards. I too take Orencia. I started in in Oct. Seems like it is helping. I am hoping that this is also my "magic charm".Welcome to the board, my nephew was dx at 3 and has several operations, so I can imagined hows it's been for you. he is now 31. hope the orencia helps you. JanYes, I've tried Enbrel and then Rituxan in November, but so far, no good.  I was on methotrexate, then Arava, and now Imuran for quite awhile. 
As long as my blood bounces back from the Rituxan, it will be Orencia next month.  And yes, the waiting is the worst part!
I am new but welcome just the same. THis disease is so overwhelming. Thank you one and all for the warm welcome to these message boards!   Knowing I have this new community of understanding folks like you to communicate with, is very comforting to me:  no matter how hard they try, well-meaning family and friends just cannot understand the intricacies of this disease.  Although I have had a complicated medical history due to RA, I consider my life to blessed and enriched in so many ways:  for example, my husband and I were blessed with our first grandchild just 8 weeks ago!!!  (I sound like a bragging "Grammie"' already, don't I?!)  I look forward to reading, learning and sharing with all of you............

Welcome to AI!
Hope Orencia is your "majic charm!"
