Old lab tests | Arthritis Information


I finally got a copy of the ER lab results from last Dec. 1. That was the worst day of my life, and I had hoped that the tests would reveal something that the Rheumy hasn't seen.

So, not much abnormal, some things I can't interpret:
GRAN% 87.1 (43-78) high
LYMPH% 9.9 (13-45) Low
Mono% 2.3 (3-11) low

Can anyone make any sense of these?

Sorry MIke  Looks like it is all in your head.  BAD JOKE I would leap from the roof, 'cept it's a one story. I refused to be wheeled into or out of the ER. I should have let them move me around. I could use that in the RD office. Now I get to show him a little more proof of what he already thinks. I'm freakin' nutz!


I know how it feels MIke.  I hate it when my rd says "your joints are looking good" when my butt hurts like hell and I am achy all over.  I cannot imagine what it would be like to not have any tests to back you up.  Maybe that means it will all just go away MIke

Glad it is only one story, maybe just jump up and down Right now I can't get to what I was going to send you a link to...will have to respond tomorrow...but keep in mind what I keep repeating over and over seemingly....(when will docs get it??)  labs that are negative for RA do not mean an absence of RA or even say anything about the severity.  I've been negative labwise for 21 out of 21 years.  I've known others who when they first had problems had negative labs that were eventually normal within less than two years.  Then I know another woman who is considered an RA burnout who was negative on her bloodwork for 8 years.  Docs who use having negative labs despite other symptoms pointing to RA are for some reason using a line.  Or if they are GPs they just don't know better.  [urlhttp://www.arthritisinsight.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1483&PN=1&TPN=1[/url]

The link is to the post I just made listing some sites on lab tests.  That's what I oculdn't get to last night without logging hubby off of the pc and didn't wanna do that. 
While normally I'd just leave it at showing you the links....this time I'm looking the three up.

Mono is a test for Espstien-Barr in the blood.   Yours is low.  I did just read something about RA and the incidence of EBV in the blood...will see if I can find it again. 
Now, we're getting to a point where I'm a bit unsure if I'm correct.  The mono I'm fairly certain that is the right test abbrev. mono.

What I've figured gran means is Granulocytes.  Granulocytes

Why they did not break the category down I'm not sure.  

These cells produce:

http://tjsamson.client.web-health.com/web-health/topics/Gene ralHealth/generalhealthsub/generalhealth/immune&allergy/ What_Does_Immune_System_Do.html That is the link to where I found that info.  Had to dig a bit deeper than the sites I have listed in my other post.  The same page I listed above has the info on Lymph as well.
So basically, the WBCs responsible for inflammation are high but your cells that produce the antibodies against invaders, kill the invaders and suppress the immune response are low. 

Hope this is helpful in some way. PM me if you want me to try to help more ok?

And since that post was long enough...
a link to the article on EBV and other herpes viruses and RA.

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