Lab results | Arthritis Information


 Have any of your children come back with all these labs Neg ? My son's were all ok even his ANA but his symptoms still persist(joint pain and all over stiffness. The doctor requested back xrays last Thursday so we are waiting on the results.

When my daughter was first sick, she only had an elevated sedrate and CRP.  Now, only her CRP is still elevated and everything else is normal.

I can't remember if you saw a ped rheum yet?  The ped only checked RF, ANA, and sedrate.  So, when he called with the results, he said they were "reassuring" - negative for RF, negative for ANA, sedrate high (his words "37 is high, but it's not 137").

Specialists will check more stuff, like CRP, antiCCP, HLA-B27.  
Remember JRA is a 'diagnosis of exclusion'.  By the time they were done testing and ruling out things for my daughter, JRA was sounding very good!!!  We spent a few weeks in agony, I mean speechless numb terrified, while they ruled out a cancer that only has 20% survival rate.
It can take awhile before they narrow everything down, and some of the testing isn't fun, either.  I hope xrays and the labs they have already drawn will get some answers for your son, and he starts feeling better soon.  It is very nerve-wracking, until you get a dx.   
My levels are never bad, it took three years to diagnose because of that. OY!I know this is a hard Disease , He had some more blood work yesterday a CBC and CMp I guess for comparison of lab work 2 months ago. He has a ped Ra appointment May 1, and started PT as requested by his doctor. So we will see what therapy does, I am just trying to keep his pain level down and hopefully we can wait the month and a half to see the RA