Garages and RA/Fibro | Arthritis Information


Well I began tackling the garage yesterday. Needless to say Goodwill got a car load ( there was actually a line to donate yesterday, everyone was busy clearing out their garages!)

I have had clogged sinuses ever since. Today I am going to try and get some more done but it is a bit cooler out so I dunno. I just want to get all that "trash pick" junk out so mother has a regular garage rather than a storage shed garage.
Much of the stuff is my daughters' stuff from when she moved in then had to get  out. They do not have room for it so not sure what to do. I also have a lot of wood so I guess I will ask around for who wants the wood.
It sure send the RA and fibro into a spin!
Next time take an antihistamine such as Claritin or Zyrtec about an hour before tackling the garage.  Lots of dust, must, mold, etc out there!!!  Good idea, had thought of that yesterday bu  the only allergy pills I have at the moment are the ones that make ya drowsy.I can't cut the grass unless I take antihistamines beforehand - otherwise I tend to break out in hives!  I can sit on the grass, and hang out in the yard for hours... but when I fire up the lawnmower and start shredding the grass blades, OMG watch out!!!  I have similar problems when cleaning up the garage, but not as severe.  I always keep a few generic Claritin tabs around, just in case. I need to get the Claritin I guess.....yep when mowing, always an allergy pill before and shower immediately after.
Mower, oh I have a story to tell about mower blades!I broke the heck out of our riding lawn mower blades one year by accidentally mowing a tree stumpe..........OMG.......not funny then at all  but can laugh about it now. lol I was in soooooooooo much trouble!
I can still remember making that call scared to death to make the call and tell him....then came the "chewing me out"  and the "how in the H*** did you manage to do that?" talk.
Never ran over a tree stump yet, but I've shredded damn near everything else in the yard!!!  The kids are supposed to rake and pick up debris beforehand.  If they don't, it gets shredded and they have to pick it up afterwards. LOL well I have never ran over a camera.......geesh, that is a bit of a costly mowing! Must have made a horrid noise mowing over that.
I think other than the stump thing the only other totally dork thing I did was when I drilled into a wall ( to hang a shelf) I managed to hit a main hot wire.........that did not go over too well, at all. Then there was the time I was goofing in the attic in the barn and nearly fell though the ceilifng, my foot went right through the ceiling. Caught myself from falling through the ceiling though.........that did not go over well either.
