RA sucks/Apology/Work stuff | Arthritis Information


1. Angel quit at work so I will be pulling some massive shifts, I'm already exhausted from the past 2 days. 106 checkins, 95 checkins - basically alone. My manager is like a child, can't do sh*t alone. *sigh* So there's that.

2. Something wrong with the left arm. I was in tears last night. Took 3 tremadol just to sleep, and that didn't even take all the pain away. Woke up and it's back to nightmareish pain. Taking pills and trying a Soma to see if it's coming from my neck. But my neck is fine, pain wise.

3. I wanted to sit and read posts and help and respond, but between work and my arm I just can't right now. I'm sorry.

Luv u lots!!
How is it that you have a manager that can't seem to manage?  Are you his boss or is he your's?  Either way, sorry to hear you're arm's so messed up, hope it's a slow day for ya.Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. Why does it always seem that when you feel your worst your work load is at an all time high as well? Maybe you should tell your boss you are not feeling well and need help.Don't take more than 2 tramadol at once - it can cause seizures when you take more than 2 tablets at a time.  The risk of this is enhanced with Flexeril. That's just wrong.  You shouldn't have to bear the brunt of the workload.  That's exactly when the manager is supposed to step in....to fill the gaps when people leave.  It's not your responsibilty to do the manager's job, unless, of course, they want to pay you a manger's salary.  Now might be a good time to ask for an increase.  It won't stop your pain but may make things seem a little better overall.  If that's not feasible, maybe you need to call in sick so you can heal and let the manager see how valuable you are and be reminded why he/she needs to keep you happy in your job.  I hope you feel better soon. Sorry that things are so cruddy right now. I hate it when co-workers don't carry their load.
If your arm is still bothering you, you might want to call your dr. tomorrow. You know how it is with pain. The quicker we can get ahead of it, the better.

Can you call in sick? I know that you don't want to put anybody else in a bad situation, but you won't be worth much unless you can take the time to recoup. But, speaking as somebody without paid sick days, I understand the dragging of ones self to work.Katie.............try not to risk your health to cover for work.  Easier said than done, but you know how it is once you get in major pain, hard to get out.I need the email address of the District Manager or even better, corporate. When I stayed at your hotel there was the bumbling idiot manager who did not have their sh*t together. Thank goodness there was a wonderful employee named Katie who was able to straighten things out.

So sorry to hear you're in pain and I really, really hope things get better for you soon! *gentle hugs*
RA does suck ... sorry you're not feeling good Katie.  Hope you feel better soon, KatieGet better soon Katykins! Hope things get better for you . Hopefully they are going to get someone
real soon to help out .
Get ahold of HR. if you are having problems with the manager , if they
don't know they can't help.

Feel better soon

Thanks guys. *hugs*

Friday and Saturday were nightmares. Sunday wasn't so bad, except that I got another LOVELY round of vertigo and had to leave early. It's from the Soma. Seems no matter what dose I take, I end up with it. Bleh. So I'll have to head back to the doctor about that one.

My arm hurt for a good 24 hours or so, then was fine. I'm off work today and tomorrow (yay) but today my legs are doing it. UGH!

I have to do so much because my manager is 130 years old and CLUELESS. He thinks he'll have a heart attack every time something "new" comes up. But it's never really new, he just can't remember anything that happened more than 5 minutes ago.'

He's hiring 2 new people. THANK GOD. Justin and I are both asking for raises. I'm still looking for another job closer to home anyway. LoL

I haven't felt this sick for so long in a LONG time. Justin said he wonders if I just have a virus. I'm achy, EXHAUSTED, and food doesn't sound good. :(
Katie-girl, I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly! I hate that you have to work when you feel so bad. Your manager sounds like he needs to be in a "home".
Feel better soon, Sweetie.
Gentle hugs, Nini
Sorry about the arm. My right arm quits alot. Rest it when you are not at work. No dishes. Sorry you have to experience this. Thats when i trash my dishes. Arggg! I know you can not rest it at work. So then i rest mine while not at work. That way i maybe able to use while at work. I like money. Try to type right handed. It is slower but i some times have to type slowly with my left hand.  I feel your pain.  RA is just the pitts!!! In times of stress it gets worse not better. Those of us with understanding co-workers and managers are extremely lucky,  because usually either you can do the job or you can quit.  I hope your work load lessens and your ra eases up!Sending you get well vibes and I sure hope they help.Aww Katie, that just royally sux! I hope you enjoyed your days off and got some much needed rest.Sorry Katie, I hope things start getting better for ya. Hopefully you have some help at work that is actually helpful.
take care
Katie, bummer bummmer bummmer, feeling bad is the pits.  I think tonight for a couple of hours I felt the most normal in a LONG time.  I hope you are back to feeling RA normal in no time.katie
 i am sorry you are having such a hard time.  hope you feel better soon.  wonderwoman
hi babe, sorry you're having such a rough time, when you start feeling like that, thats your bodies way
of saying STOP,
seriously!!... you'd be amazed that they can work something, out, the hotel is NOt your responsibility..
your health is.. got it? lol
Also wear one of those big ass wrist things, its goes from the fingers way past your wrist, people are soo much more sympathic when you wear these, i swear! lol
hugs ((((((((((((katie))))))))))))
your cats is adorable!!
Well, I am doing MUCH better today! I think I had a virus. Justin's got it now. BUMMER.

But at least it wasn't just the RA screwing with me. That's nice to know!!

I am still kinda sleepy, but I've been taking Benadryl for my allergies and I know that's a big part of it. Haven't had the arm or leg pain back, however my legs are *always* tired now. Like I've run on them all day long. Dunno what that's about!
Oh, I guess I should add that all of this led up to me being stick to my stomach and dizzy as HELL for a couple of days. That's the virus I'm referring to! And I wouldn't have thought it was a virus, until Justin got it. I just don't know what else it could be with BOTH of us getting it. Jess (girl at work) will be the next to get it. Poor thing, that seems to be how we share our cooties at work though. LOL Funny thing i was thinking of. Sometimes i get AI stuff or something pertaining to me that is not caughting and my mom and my ex would caught it. Because i get vertigo all the time and hang on the wall. My ear thing. It would crack me up. I was sure they thought they were ill. I told them to just rest and feel better. I would even bring them chicken soup. I was not actually sick like you are i was just dizzy. But i guess i get such vertigo that it makes other people queezy.
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