Don’t look if you can’t handle gross! | Arthritis Information


OK  I am bored so I thought I would share with you my poor Tyler dog after he put his head in a nest of rattlesnakes.  Got three bites.  He was in critical condition for 2 days.  These are some  of the least gross pics.  My poor baby.  It happened on a hike in May.  It seems like a lifetime ago now. 


Gross huh. 


I'm thinking he should have been a cat Roxy.. with his nine lives and all... 


oh wow, I've never seen anything like that! I'm glad he is ok!

We live in the country where it's all orange groves or houses on them now...we get some snakes and I'm petrified!

Mein Gott! Rattlers are something I worry about all summer for that very reason. (It is also why I blow the heads off of any that I come across in our pasture.) I do hope your Tyler boy is OK now. This year Wyoming approved rattlesnake vaccine and all my babies got their shots.   Check out your state to see if you can get it---it sure is worth the peace of mind.

KidletOhhh, poor baby!!! I'm glad he is doing better and he
has such a great loving mommy.

I hope he is alot better, a friend of mine had her horse step on a ground nest of bees the poor guy was so swollen from bee stings when she found him.  He was going into shock we had to take turns watching him for 48 hrs but he did pull through.

You should post a pic of him now and show us how he is doing Roxy, I bet he won't do that again.  meme

meme38599.3790046296Yuck!  I'm glad he pulled through.  I know how much we can love our animals.

Oh that poor dog. That looks so painful. I will pray for a speedy recover. How awful!

Rox~That's sooooo sad. I bet you were paniced!! Bless his little heart.

Are those good dogs? I have sons 15,8 & 7 and an 11 year old daughter. They want a dog so bad. We hope to get one around Summer next year. Only problem is we've got to decide on a breed.

My husband and the boys aren't really interested in the sissy type of dogs my daughter and I would prefer. It looks like you wouldn't have the dog hair problem. Do they shed much?

Glad Tyler's ok now. That about broke my heart.

Lovie - He is a weimeraner.  They are the BEST DOGS but only if you exercise them every day.  They follow you around the house, there is no other dog that gets more attached to his "family".  If he is not following me he is following Brett.  He knows all the commands and is so gentle with the other animals.  They have VERY short hair and shed only in the Spring.  You can barely tell where they have shed.  If you have property, he would be a great family dog.  All love and devotion.  Smart as can be.  They were bred to be hunting dogs with horseback hunters and they run just like horses.  He loves to swim and dive off high places.  He will swim underwater if he is going after something.  When he cuddles, he make sure that he has no surface area that is not touching

OK enough bragging.  You can tell I love my Tyler.  He keeps me going with this battle with ra.  I was so freaked out when he got bit by those rattlesnakes.  We were in a canyon about two miles down.  I was just getting over a flare, didn't know I had ra then, and I could not keep up with Brett.  I kept telling Brett, hurry, get him out, leave me behind but Tyler kept running back down to wait for me and wouldn't leave without me.  He was obviously in so much pain but he would not leave without me