Question for people who exercise regularly | Arthritis Information


I have a question for people who have been able to maintain their exercise routine.  My routine hasn't suffered any real interruptions sinced being diagnosed.  In the beginning it was very hard as my main source of pain was in my feet, and I'm a power walker.  I weathered the bad times, and now the meds are working.  Walks have been very good, but the past couple of weeks my big toe on my dominant side swells and hurts the day after my day off

I'm wondering if it's a case of the lack of movement is allowing the joint to swell and stiffen.  The rest of the week goes well.
Has anyone else experienced anything else similar?

Hmm.  I ahven't really noticed any problems working out.  The only prolem I do have with is is when I am in a flare it is tricky depending on what is inflammed and what I have planned to do.  When your toe swells, do you walk anyway?  And if yes, does walking work it out?

Yes I do walk that day because I hate to take more than 1 day off a week.  It starts to feel better about 3/4 of the way through the walk.  The rest of the week seems to go just fine.  That's why I'm almost thinking without the walks I would be worse off.If I were you I'd just keep going like you are and ask your doc about it next time you see him.  I'm the same way, I rarely take more than one day a week off and I try to go 7.  Hate it when I flare and have to take off a few days in a row.  I really hate that.I work out pretty regularly. One of my closet friends is a PT and she gets with me at the gym to tweak workouts as needed. I can really tell when I haven't been to the gym. I feel like dirt. I never believed it when the dr. said that no matter what the condition, physical exercise is key. You just have to modify it to fit your situation. I was very active pre diagnosis (riding horses, played rugby in college) and kinda shut down after the fact. I forgot how good it feels to sweat. Now, if I miss more than 3 days, there is a definite increase in swelling.

I have had to take a week off due to bronchitis. I can really feel the difference. My bag is packed for tomorrow so hopefully that will get me back in the swing of things. I figured nobody wanted me hacking all over the machines. Oh yeah, and it kinda helps to be able to breathe:) Spring break starts on Wed of this week. Good timing since I will be able to go to the gym at any time instead of tying to fit it in around work. My absolute favorite thing is to take a nice relaxing dip in the hot tub when I am all done. It seems like the logical answer is that it actually is  the day off that causes my reaction, but it is kind of shocking to me.  I think the day of rest is important physically as well as just plain nice being able to chill on saturday mornings.  I just can't get over the fact that after a nice relaxing day, I awaken with big fat sore toe!!I would possibly consider a new top line, properly fitted walking shoes and if those don't help look into orthotics.You do need to rest as well. Or, at least, vary your workout so you aren't stressing the same joints.

What are you doing as a routine? Mine is pretty basic-not very exciting. I do the ellipitical for 35 min. and then free weights. On other days, I walk the indoor track and then the nautilius(spelling) machines. I am really working on the upper back muscles and shoulder. That is my biggest area of concern. Now, I say weights-but the amounts are pretty puny. I just had another round of nerve blocks in the shoulder/neck last week so I have to start pretty low again. I am probably not going to touch the weights until my PT appointment on Thursday.I forgot to add that I'm not overly keen on including the doc in this.  I feel like he can't make up his mind.  Walking is one of the best exercises for most types of arthritis, yet my rhuemy goes of on tangents sometimes about former patients who were football players whose knees are shot etc.  Well I'm not playing football, or doing anything (regularly) that is not advocated on every arthritis website under the sun.
So that's why I figure the forum is a practical way for now to explore what might be going on.  Thanks.Buckeye-I actually have top of the line running shoes as they are better than the walking shoes.  I am curious about orthotics, but again...why after the day off?
It may end up being my little cross to bear. I find when my feet are bothering me I put on a good pair
  of walking shoes and get to walking , in about 10 minutes
  my feet feel great . I have tried many types of shoes and have not the same success .
I think out feet are more sensitive by just having Ra and the shoes you wore before
may not be working as they use to .
Also on days that you just feel you can not walk try some light weights for your
upper body . I use to lift heavy but stick to 3 lbs now and just do more reps.
At least you feel like you did something good for your body .
I have been working out most of my life and just had to change a few things
after I got Ra .
OH ! And it is good for the body to take as least one day a week from the work outs.
Thanks for all the help.  I have a lot of support at home, but questions like these are out of their frame of reference.  LaHI Thela, just wondered if your'e blood tests showed an increase in creatnine or urate levels as my GP reckons as mine are elevated and I have a similar problem to you, that it could be Gout, I hope not but it's worth checking, Regards Janie. I have osteoarthritis in both big toes...when I walk I just naturally have pain in both toes that comes and goes.  I don't know if you are experiencing something similar.
You said that you have top of the line running shoes.  That is important for protecting your feet.  However, the sneakers do experience wear and tear and need to be replaced.  I do not know how many miles you have logged on those sneakers but maybe you are in need of a new pair.  I run.  I always know when I need a pair of sneakers because my feet and back start to hurt.
Rest days are very important to me.  My body needs the opportunity to rejunvenate.  I have found that some people need them and some people don't.  You know your body and how it feels.
Janie- The last time I had the tests for gout was in Nov. by my GP...they were negative.  It might be worth revisiting, thanks.
Patti-Yeah I replace my shoes every 2 months, and I have done that for years.  I'm sure that I have some osteoarthritis in my feet, but it's the swelling that seems more RA like.
I'm going to continue to see if the pattern remains i.e. swells and hurts the day after rest then gets better over the week.  And when I have some time I'll put a call into my GP for the gout tests.  She's cool...and what my rhuemy doesn't know right now won't hurt him!  Tee hee