Going to Doctors SUCKS! | Arthritis Information


I was talking to my mommy last night and she asked me if I made my 4 Dr appointments yet, and I told her no, procrastinating and not really feeling up to going to more doctors.

Then I told her I was thinking that everytime I ever go to a Doctor appointment they never give me good news & always want my blood the vampires so it always turns into bad news one way or the other. Like... you need to go to the lab, you broke your elbow, you broke you knee, you need surgery, you have bladder infections, you have reactivated mono, you have uncontrolled RA, you have fibro,  you have you have you have!
I have yet to hear one say "Well nothing wrong with you I guess we'll see you in a year!"
Oh wait I did hear that one time after I had my son, it was for a pap smear.
I am just tired of being given bad news and them sticking me with needles.
My mommy said the only reason I get bad news is because I only go to doctors when something is wrong with me. I was like that is true... so I guess if I want good news I will just start making random appointments months in advance and then go to them just for a check-up. But with my luck, they would still find some way to take my blood and give me bad news.
Soo... come Monday... I have to make 4 appointments - GP, Urologist, Ewwy Gooey GYNO, and Eye Doctor.
I guess I will start off with the Eye Doctor, never get much bad news from them, only that I need a new RX for my glasses, nothing new to me... I know when my eyes are getting bad.
As for the other 3... I know I am going to get some kind of bad news from them. And the worse part is... NEEDLES are possibly involved. Oh and 2 of them will invade my private space too. *shutters at the thought*
Well... I feel a little better about tomorrow now. Now if I can just psych myself into making the appointments... I will be good to go. I like when they are quick at telling me what is wrong with me, but still... it is not good news.

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