Survivor Fans | Arthritis Information


Hey Survivor is coming on Wed nite instead of THur. Basketball all day & nite. just thought I would pass the word. hey thanks!Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea!!

A couple weeks ago my husband and I ran into Denise from last season. You know, the lunchlady that "lost" her job and the producers of the show gave her 10grand! Then they found out she lied about the whole thing.
It took all I had not to laugh in her face when I saw her. And to think, I was routing for her, until I heard her sob story!
I just thought I'd share
lol thats great

Thanks...I didn't know.

Deb........what, she lied about losing her job?  Hm.  Didn't know that either.

yeah  they told that on the reunion show. It was pretty bad when it got out. people will do anything for money!She told everyone, on the live show, that she was demoted to a custodial position. And that she had to work nights, and never got to see her kids, blah blah blah.
Well, come to find out, she actually applied for the custodial job, to make more money. And she was promoted (and actually working that position) before she left to go on Survivor.
When they heard her sad sad story, they felt bad and gave her money. She did give it back (or they took it back) after the truth came out. She lives a few towns over from me.
Yeah I remember her. I was also rooting for the under dog!  Can't believe she thought she could get away with that lie! I'm rooting for Tracy this season since she is from my hometown. I don't know who I'm going for, my hubby and I don't really like anyone in particular this year.