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Hi, I introduced myself last week or the week before.  started having bad joint pain after birth of 2nd child, in the summer/fall 2007.  My RF is 37, I am ANA negative (no lupus) and had some other tests done by my Internist too.

Went to the RD last week and she ordered more bloodwork (which I have yet to see the results of), did some X-rays (that were clear), ordered an MRI of my hands, and gave me a prescription for:

a) Vitamin D - 50,000IU once a week
b) Meloxicam
c) Diclofenac

has anyone else been given the high doses of vitamin D?  I am familiar with Meloxicam as my dog is on it (doggie liquid version).  She told me to try both Meloxicam and Dicolfenac and go with whichever one I prefer.

My MRI is next week and I hope to get the results of the bloodwork today.

The RD also offered up Prednisone, which I turned down.  She said "smart move"...

Nope do not know, maybe a deficiency with the vitamin D showed in your bloodwork? Are you breastfeeing?

Welcome to AI! Haha! I like your RD. Too bad you still don't have a definitive DX but it doesn't sound like it will be too long now. Good luck.Hey - My doctors' group is really big on testing for vitamin D deficiency.  When I was first having symptoms that was one of the things I was tested for. Apparantly it can cause quite a bit of pain.  But if that's your diagnosis, why didn't they just tell you?There is a LOT of controversy on the use of high levels of Vitamin D.  Turns out all the newest studies were paid for by the Vitamin D industry.  I mean, really big conflicts of interest and issues of safety.  Of course, media got on board and now everybody is prescribed it.
There is a thing called Vitamin D hypersensitivity.  What I've been able to learn it that may pretty much be any of us that are AI.  I'm not done with my research so...until then...I refuse to D supplement.  Some people get sicker on it.  Others do better.  Until you're sure you are not hypersensitive by having ALL 4 D tests run...I wouldn't risk it.
