about.com | Arthritis Information


Greetings to everyone on the board! Today is the first time in awhile I've been able to sit down at the computer. Life has been ever so hectic of health-related issues with the senior moms of our family. That and caring for grandkids because when they're ill they can't go to daycare. 

Anyway, I noticed that joonie has posted info from the about.com website.  Even before RA became a part of my life I've used the about.com website because it offers info on just about anything you can think of.  So if you're looking for down-to-earth info about arthritis or anything not related to arthritis, I would encourage you to check it out.

Still have much reading/catching up to do and if I have anything of value to offer I will.
For sure you all are always in my prayers.  For all who are Irish: "HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY".
Thanks for the tip! about.com/arthritis also has a moderated forum for those who might want to check it outAwww... we don't need no stinkin moderated board
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