Naproxen users | Arthritis Information


How much mg do you take and how often?If I'm having a flare (doesn't that sound nice... almost like "I'm having a party!") I'll take 1000mg a day (5 regular OTC Aleve tablets).  When I take that much for more than a few days straight, I have to take Prevacid every day in order to prevent stomach problems.

Otherwise I take one or two every now and again for aches and pains (and when Aunt Flo stops by).
Is naproxen & naproxen sodium the same thing?

I am just asking because I have both and am almost out of the naproxen, but got lots of naproxen sodium.
I usually take naproxen 350mg just before I go to sleep, when I am achey and it is not that much achey for a pain pill of any sort.
I was taking 500mg twice daily. Supposed to take it after eating, but you can still get stomach discomfort--I would take a famotodine tablet to prevent a problem. I think you can take a max of 1500 daily but I wouldn't unless you get a doctor's prescription for it and have a cast iron constitution.  [QUOTE=joonie]Is naproxen & naproxen sodium the same thing?