Prednisolone Question - Preventing OA | Arthritis Information


Sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm not seeing my Rheumatologist for a while, and I'd love some experienced feedback. I'm just wondering - for those on long term Prednisolone, is there anything that can prevent OA, like taking daily calcium supplements, or any vitamins that have proved useful? I ask because I am on Pred (and Plaquenil), and I'm 26, so if anyone knows how or if I can prevent any long term effects, I'd love some feedback! Or is the answer to just stop taking Prednisolone?_popupControl(); _popupControl(); paperdoll2008-03-18 01:11:14I would definately take calcium if I was you. I have been on short high dose burst of prednisolone all my life for asthma and never told about the danger of osteoporosis. I now have osteoporosis in my spine and hips from the steroid use and have 6 monthly bone density tests and take daily calcium. Protection is better than cure.Ohh.. ouch! I'm sorry that you have to go through all that at such a young age (I like to think that 40 is the new 30!). Thanks for the advice, common sense is the answer to most things!

_popupControl(); If your really worried ask for a bone density scan, they can begin doing these as often as they feel you need them. These will show if you have any problems that are developing. If somethings is going on the specialist will know what to do. I have been getting them every other year since I was in high school. So far so good. You primary doc can set this up for you which may be the way to go because you can get into see them so much faster!!! OY specialist! Don't let it worry you too much though, if you watch for stuff and prepare you'll do much better! best of luck!

I think we all need to supplement with the big 3 - calcium, magnesium and potassium as all chronically ill people are low on these.  Have a mineral panel pulled.  Seriously - I'm betting you are too.  Also, I just saw a study that said magnesium was the key to bone growth - somewhere.  I'll try to find it.

Oh, wait, look, I found's a miracle.
It is very important to have your Vitamin D level checked and take supplements if you are deficient.  It is one of those "silent" problems that can lead to many problems, OA included. Ok here is how I have had this told to me.
RD from 2001 had me on long term pred, 10mg, and she told me to make sure I got at least 1500mg of calcium a day. She said I could take supplements.
Last RD he did not even mention for me to take anything to prevent bone thinning. But I kept doing the same calcium intake my RD before him said to do.
Current RD put me on Actonel. She asked me what I was taking for to keep my bones strong. I said calcium? she shook her head no. I said more than 1500mg of calcium a day? She shook her head no. I said I give, what am I to be taking? She said well since it looks like you are going to be on the prednisone for a little longer, you need to be taking something like Actonel to help keep your bones from getting brittle. Then she said I did not RX anything like that for you, yet? I was like NOPE! She said oh sorry, well here I will give you a free sample to try out.
So, it just depends on which kind of Rheumy you have.
I am not sure exact medication, but my doctors told me that long term low dose pred may cause bone damage in the future, but there are medications for that when the day comes.  I just don't know what they, no one ever did anythig like that for me. But I have been to docs that honestly I think are stuck in the stone age of med. Hope it helps you!