"What DOESNT cause arthritis" --an article | Arthritis Information


Here is a link for another article i got in my email...found it pretty interesting
I found #4 very interesting.  My niece with lupus had Lyme disease first and developed lupus after her last pregnancy.  I've always suspected one or the other had something to do with her disease.  I was one of the foolish people who got the Lyme vaccine before it was pulled off of the market and I've always wondered if it had anything to do with what's happening to me now.  So many questions.  How long ago was the Lyme vaccine taken off the market?  Was it a vaccine like kids get now for school and such or was it one that you only needed if you were in a certain area like when you go to 3rd world countries?

It would be interesting to see what the coralation is between the 2 as well as the Lyme vaccine and other AI diseases
Well - I totally disagree with number 4 -
Infections and vaccinations — Most infections, whether due to a virus, bacterium or other organism, will not cause arthritis, and most cases of arthritis are not caused by infection (at least as far as we know). There are infectious causes of arthritis, but they represent a small fraction of all arthritis. Important examples include bacteria (such as Gonorrhea and Staphylococcus), Lyme disease and some viruses (including occasional cases of hepatitis B, hepatitis C or parvovirus). Similarly, vaccinations, including those for Lyme disease and rubella, have been linked in rare cases to the development of arthritis, but the connection to a vaccination has been unclear. Some rubella vaccines contained strains of the virus that seemed to cause arthritis more often; these vaccines were removed from the market and reports of vaccine-associated arthritis are less frequent now. The Lyme vaccine also has been withdrawn from the market, though due to poor sales, not because of side effects. Fortunately, the vast majority of people receiving the most common vaccinations never develop arthritis. 
And we've seen posts here with people getting AI diseases after vaccines.  I think I even have some studies showing it happeing. 
And the link to stress it too great.  Remember the survey here.  They've linked cancer to stress - why not an AI disease?
Mental or emotional stress — Although there are stories of people having severe emotional trauma soon after developing an arthritic illness, there is no convincing evidence that psychological stress causes any recognized type of arthritis. On the other hand, stress can make any pain seem worse, and there is controversy regarding the relative importance of psychological stress on the development or perpetuation of joint pain without arthritis (as in fibromyalgia).
Beth Isreal is usually better than this.  I'm guessing it's because it was originally 2003 and nobody really looked at what it was saying 5 years later.
When I read the article and got to  #4 I thought that I must check back just to see what Pip has to say about it.  You did not disappoint. Well I was shocked when I read that chemotherapy can cause arthritis. Certain chemo drugs can cause arthritic symptoms during or after chemotherapy. They believe them to be self-limiting, but there's no marker as to what the time frame might be. The one case study I read had a patient with the exact same lymphoma and ABVD chemo treatment as I went through. I doubt that's what is at the heart of what I am suffering, but it could be a trigger.  Well, stress and infection are both well known triggers so I have to take this whole article with a grain of saltAlthough it occurs to me maybe he distinguishes between a cause and a trigger (as well he should). So maybe vaccinations just trigger it. People were getting RA long before vaccinations showed up. There is always a cause and effect it seems;
I always heard and personally experienced that chemo lessens or eliminates RA.
But the strange thing is
Chemo is supposed to eradicate cancer but causes secondary cancers
Fosamax and others are supposed to be for bone mass improvement but can cause dead jaw
the list of medicine reactions goes on and on.
Who gets these lovely disease depends on so many factors that I don't think any studies could ever be exact. So much depends on evironment, diet, mental health, genetic markers etc. IMO there will never be a conclusive answer of causes as there are too many factors involved.  It is an individual journey and an individual result or outcome.

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