RD appt | Arthritis Information


Nothing too exciting...had my appt today.  I am staying on Enbrel and giving it another few months to work.  I had hand films to compare with last year and had my first foot films.  Somehow, getting films of my feet slipped thru the cracks, but I'm starting to have some pretty significant pain, so we are doing films.

I got an Rx for Tramadol and blood drawn.  That's it!!!!!!!!!!
Well films and blood drawn thats alot. They are looking into the cause of all this pain. Please let us know the out come. Sorry you are hurting. Are you swelling? For me swelling hurts. It is supposed to hurt isn't it? If you are not swelling and you hurt that is something different that needs looked into. Get better soon. And keep us posted. Sounds like a good appointment overall.  Hope your tests come out the way you want them to.  And that the pain can be kept at a reasonable level.  Like zero. :)Humm... yep does not sound too exciting
Hope the Tramadol helps you.

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