OT carjack warning | Arthritis Information


May or may not be true (got this from one of those forwarded forwarded forwarded e-mails), BUT since it could be true, I thought I'd share it, as I will pay attention to it.

It says a new carjack or purse-snatching  method is becoming common.  You get into your car with all your stuff and start your car and when you get ready to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper on your rear window.  When you get out to remove it, the thief either steals your car or grabs your purse out of the seat.  
All you fancy smancy talented coordinated back-in parkers, please disregard, as you will pull straight out and never notice the paper LOL.
Thanks for the tip Suzanne, I'm not that fancy but I do tend to try and find parking spaces that I can just pull out of. http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/carjack.asp

It's not true, but it has an interesting back story as to why it's so circulated. Some poor trooper in FL thought it was a good example and FWD it. Oppsie on his part! They've since attached HIS name to the email, to make it seem more real!

I love snopes! LoL
arriscolwell2008-03-19 08:07:08

Thanks for the notice.I am the type that always gets keyed, so I am always checking the car and tires before I get in .  I guess we will all look at the rear window now( or put everything in the trunk) before we get in the car.

Crime will more than likely only get worse from here on out due to the economy.
I do that, too - park farther away, so I can find one that lets me do that.  I can't back into anything, though.  My old boyfriend said, "She's okay in drive, but she's hell in reverse."  Very true, very true, to this day LOL.  Kaite, I knew that would be the case, but hey, criminals get forwarded e-mails, too!  They might get ideas! 
Mine had the FL trooper on it, too!
Suzanne2008-03-19 08:09:22LoL I know! I was thinking that too "well damn, even if it isn't true, it IS a good idea!"

But then I read the snopes article, and they made some good points. 1. most vehicles don't have rear wipers to fix a flyer to 2. if you're pulled forward into a p.spot, so that you have to reverse out, you'll have to pass your back window to get in your car..so you'd see it there. 3. car jackings are crimes of opportunity and it's rare that a car jacker WANTS interaction with another person.
Truthfully, I have so much junk in the car right now I can pretty much guess that a car jacker would only pass me by. But ya  never know.
LOL on the trooper ticket!

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