This ones for Jooni | Arthritis Information


We tried to find the pumpkins but they arent out yet 

Can you smell them Jooni????

Of course we had to eat them all!!!!

LMAO!! Yes, I can smell them!!

I have a funny story for ya. Hubby bought candy corn when we went back to get me another bag of pumpkins tuesday. Well, he has been hiding his candy corn from our daughter in the microwave. Well, the other morning I had to pull his candy corn out of the microwave so I could warm up Andrew's bottle. After doing that I picked hubby's candy corn up off the table and chunked it back into the microwave.

When he went to get his candy corn that evening it was all kinda melted and stuck together. The heat from when the microwave was on had done So he has semi-melted, stuck together candy corn...LOL
