Fentanyl Patch ? | Arthritis Information


Does it make you goofy ? He prescribed 25 mcg Fentanyl patch every 72 hours and said not to get it wet? Can you take it off while you bath or will it loose it's sticky. Will i be able to work. Or will i be too high. Does it really help well with pain. Hi Milly - I started using the 25 mg. Fentanyl patch almost 2 weeks ago, and so far, so good.  It doesn't take away all of my pain, but certainly seems to help - plus, unlike oral meds that you take every 4 hours, this delivers a constant level of medication, avoiding "pain spikes".  As far as making you high, I think you'll just have to try it and see??  I doesn't make me high, but I think I have a high tolerance, and everyone is different........don't worry about wearing it in the shower:  I would aggressively "scrub" the area where the patch is, but in general, it seems to stay on just fine.  Good luck to you - hope it works well for you.........


I've never had a problem with my fentanyl patch getting wet in either the shower or bath tub. 

As far as it helping with the pain...for me, it doesn't help while I'm in a flare, but it works very well for my feet that are always sore due to damage from RA.  It's been suggested that I use a higher dosage, but it just makes me too tired.  I never feel "goofy" or high" while using the patch.
Good luck...I hope it works for you!
HI Milly, I was never able to tolerate them, always ended up with a severe rash under the whole patch.  I hope you can tolerate them.  Good luck from me, Janie.
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