Im going vegan | Arthritis Information


I am going to try this whole vegan thing to see if I feel better. It cant hurt so tomorrow I go shopping with a new list. I will keep you updated as I go on.Wow, that's HUGE.  I mean, that's no animal products or by products period.  I mean, I know you realize that.  I don't think I'm informing you about it :)   It's just that it seems so hard.  I hope I remember to ask you about it in a week or two.  I am really interested to hear how it's going for ya. Linncn2008-03-19 15:08:54I am having no luck with the meds, all the allergic reactions arent good for . I have been thinking about it for a while , i will give it 3 months like I did the biologics. This lady from this web site is a vegan . She makes really good chocolates

without any dairy .
She also has her e mail address on the web site , I'm sure you could write to her with any questions or recipes .
Please keep us notified as to how you get  with  along with it. I have been drinking a lot of milk lately ( tummy prbs) and I think the milk is making my RA worse.

Maybe this will be just the thing.  I hope that I didn't discourage you in my last post.  I think it's cool that you're doing it.    Honestly I think it'd probably be healthy for everyone to live the vegan lifestyle.  I think I'm too lazy to do it successfully.

Good luck!  People swear by it.  I'm doing alright and I love food too much to make that move at this point but I'm open.
Keep us posted.
Congratulations on your decision! Here's a pretty good vegan cookbook:

How it all Vegan

These women have written several vegan cookbooks so if you like that one there's more where that came from!You are braver than I and probably more disciplined too. I watch what I eat but I know there's no way I could eliminate a large percentage of what I eat without major lifestyle changes. Being chronically ill is challenging enough.  I am SO impressed.  I wish I could be as disciplined as you.  Can't wait to hear how it goes.  Good luck.  Go girl!  I try to be vegan -- but every once in a while I cheat with a piece of fish or chicken or an egg.  Gluten and dairy are NOT options for me-- I've had the milk problem since I was a baby; but we finally figured out the other part of the equation and eliminated gluten a few years ago.   What a difference it made in my general health!!!!

I eat lots of fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and for grains I mostly eat brown rice, corn, and quinoa (+ some others like sorgum, potato starch, etc).  Whole Foods Market, if you are lucky to have one nearby, is a blessing! There's lots of good recipes on the internet, along with Vegan sites that are helpful.  Make yourself a composite cookbook from what you find that look yummy.  

Good luck!!!!!
That's great! I was a vegan for 3 years, starting when I was 18, for ethical reasons. I had to come off my diet because I fell very ill despite taking the RDI for everything, so I don't know if the diet did it, or it was something else. Please consider keeping fish in your diet, I know then you aren't technically "vegan" then, but the fatty oils in fish help inflammation immensely. Also, this is a must and this is probably why I got so ill - make sure that all your food is both FRESH and ORGANIC. Supermarkets pick their fruits and vegies while they are still unripe, months in advance, and allow them to grow in the coolroom for up to 8 months before they put them on the shelf, there is little to no NUTRITION in the food, at all. Try and find an organic fresh fruit collective, where you can get a box of seasonal f&v delivered every fortnight - it is the good stuff. Also, never use juicers, always eat your food whole, because juicers just give you sugar from the fruit, not the fiber you need to digest it! Also, do not eat GM foods, the long term effects on humans have not been studied. And soy does take a while to adjust to - soy meat, soy cheese, soy milk (yuck! I've never gotten used to it!), soy yoghurt, and tofu all get better ever mouthful! Good luck! _popupControl(); Thanks to everyone for your advice and info. I will keep a diary of what im eating and how Im feeling and post occasionally on it. I have just come back from my rhuemy appointment and he is 100% with me on this so that was a huge encouragement.