Tomorrow's the Day | Arthritis Information


I'm hoping my RD will have a DX when I go tomorrow. I'm having a real rough time. Couldn't fall asleep until about 2 AM and when I awoke I could not get out of bed at all this morning. i am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time :-(    hang in there!    breathe deep and take one minute at a time and give it all to the Lord.   i hope you get the answers you need tomorrow (and the meds).      wonderwomanMike, I think tomorrow is going to be a good day for you.  I will be praying for you and especially your doctor.  Please come around tomorow and let us know how it went, k?Do feel better soon. I am on all sorts of pain meds and even the hot tub did not give me much relief for my hip this evening. The RD told me to sit up straight. So i have been lecturing myself all day to do so. I can not. There is a big huge muscle spasm in my back. I think the swelling around the hip is causing this. I pick up my new scripts tomorrow i will let you know if i find something that helps.

Mike- how did the appointment go. how are you feeling now?

Take care


Hi Mike, hoping to hear from you with nothing but GOOD NEWS! I hope the appointment went ok. Let us know. Hummm... not much for me to say. I hope the x-rays give some more insight into what is going on with you. Hope the Medrol pack makes your weekend a little more pleasant. I LOVE those things! Burst of energy along with not many symptoms for me. Hope it works that way with you too.
Keep us posted on what they say. Best of luck Mike and I hope you get some relief soon and of course a definite diagnosis so that they know what they are treating, regards Janie. Well so far the methylprednisone seems to work in letting me get out of bed. I'm taking that and the Naproxsyn.  I don't have anymore of the Vicodin and that's probably just as well but this still hurts a lot. I'm hoping I'll get a DX from the X-rays on my back soon but they probably will need the MRI to confirm.
Well good luck and do not let them fool you. Even if it is a herniated disk you can still have RA. They pulled that one on me once.They are trying to break this down to mutiple problems. Well everytime i flare i have multiple problems. Makes more sence to be one thing then several come and go injuries and ailments.