Try this next time | Arthritis Information


I visited the web design message board I visit sometimes. And someone told someone to do this:

I have a great idea!! It almost always works for me !!

Take a deep breath.

Hold it for 10 seconds.

Moo like a cow as loud as you can.

If you dont feel stupid, Repeat until you do.

Finally, forget about what others say!


Thanks for the laugh Joonie, I needed one today. When I want too shake things up, I call in the hogs! Soo-e-e-e-e-e-, soo-e-e-e-e-e-, pig-pig-pig-pig


I tried it and my dog ran to the window... probably thinking a cow had got loose outside :P


ya'll are funny!! we got hogs, and cows, OH and the infamous Rooster!! lol

Hey we got a street around here call Hog Walla Holler, Maybe you can move on to that street, dyna.

I bet youe dog then realized that maybe the house was huanted by ghost cows