new member needs advice | Arthritis Information


Hi all.  I've been suffering from stiff/sore fingers and a very painful swollen right wrist, fatigue, generally aches and pains etc.,  since last October.  Seen the rheumy 3 times.  Bloods have never been very diagnostic, but she seems sure that RA is the cause.  I've been taking Plaquenil for 2 months and the fatigue has lifted, but the wrist and fingers are a nightmare, and my right foot has now started paining me (my heel in particular).  I'm due to have infections in my wrist and my knee, how painful are they?? because they sound awful!!  How long before the Plaquenil has any effect on the joint pains??  Any feed back would be gratefully received, thanks!Hi May and a warm welcome to you, you will need patience with this disease, I have had steroid shots many times, usually they give you an anaesthetic shot first, so it is not that bad, like I say I have had many and only one of those was awful and one was actually into the joint and I almost fainted.  But they do work usually and you will be asking for them if you experience awful flares.  Plaquenil gave me funny tummies and I felt it did not help me much at all, Methotrexate in the early days of my diagnosis was the best but again, could not tolerate it for long!  Prednisone, a steroid tablet, I was given and it was fantastic, BUT there are major problems if you stay on it.  Google it and check it out.  It is fine for short sharp treatment but you don't want to be on it long term.  I absolutely will never get off of it, both my GP and RD say this, it has been 8 years and really the only drug I can continually tolerate.  I think i AM a rare case tho, most people will find a rheumatoid drug that works, so keep your fingers crossed and remember it can take years to find the right combination, so be patient and find alternative remedies for acute pain, such as meditation, reading, anything you enjoy doing to take your mind off of your pain.  I am sure you will get much more great advice from the members here, everyone is great, hope you feel at home.  Kind regards and I will pray for you to find the right treatment quickly.  HUgs Janie.  Hi Janie, thanks for the reply.  I had a Prednisolone injection in my bottom about 2 months ago, and yes it worked within 24 hours and was a great relief, maybe I should ask for that again.  I'm very worried about the joint injections but will try anything to relieve the pain, mainly my wrist, but i'm worried about the side effects.  Weight gain, thinning of the skin etc.. not much fun!!  Its reasurring to have other people to talk to about this awful disease.  Take care.

May - welcome aboard.  Sorry you had to find us, but it's a great board where there is a bolt for every nut - someone in here will have a close experience to whatever symptoms you are manifesting and help you out, just like Janie did.  Best of luck with everything and hopefully your RD will get you diagnosed and into the right medication combination for you quickly so you feel better soon.  Take care. 

welcome to the board , I hope you get some relief quicklySorry you have to be here with RA, but you've come to the right place. The boards have helped me so much. Ask away.
My doctors says it can take a few months for the Plaquenil to work, so be patient. Rest when your body tells you to. When my hands are bothering me (which is almost everyday) I find that a heating pad helps.
Welcome to the boards.
Wecome May, you've come to the right place. It took several months for the Plaquenil to kick in for me, so don't give up on it yet.  I hope it works well for you.  Hi May...welcome!
You may not get any relief from joint pain with just plaquenil.  Be prepared for that.  It did nothing for me on it's own.  I've heard 8-12 weeks for plaquenil to start if it's not doing anything yet for you, you may have to have something like methotrexate added.
Hi MAy and welcome. Plaq never helped me. I went through the MTX, Arava then the Minocin then the Enbrel  and that helped me. You just have to try one till you find one that works for you and it takes time.......I agree, patience is the key. DOesn;t mean it is easy though, I guess that is why we are here.welcome. hope you find relief soon.May: Would say "welcome aboard" but the last thing any of us want is to have another person dealing with RA. Glad you found us though.
Sorry I don't have any input but I've never tried the plaquenil.
justsaynomore: Plaquenil has helped me, as has fish oil.  If I have a flare I usually take a Medrol dosepak (6-day course of methylprednisolone tablets).  It can take 3 months for Plaquenil to start taking effect, and full benefit may not be realized for 6 months.

Best of luck!
Hello, May, and welcome! :)
I only took Plaq for a very short period of time and had to stop taking it because of my reaction to it. I think there are several people on the boards who have taken it or are taking it that can provide some insight. I'm sorry you had to find us, but I'm glad you're here. I really hope you find some relief soon. Feel free to ask any questions you may have or vent when needed. We're all here for ya - welcome to the AI family!
Hope you have a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! *hugs*
WOW................thanks to you all for the responses!!  I'm having quite a good day today and hope that you are all feeling the same.  Talking is a wonderful antidote for many problems and you clearly help eachother a lot.  Thanks again for all the advice Hello May
I'm on plaquenil and I'm getting positive results. At my last appt with my RD, I showed her my hands and she exclaimed, "Wrinkles! This wonderful!" On a prior visit ,my hands had been a big issue... the skin felt tight and it was agony to make a fist... so look for wrinkles in your hands.
I've also had  cortisone injections to address the swelling in my knee. It took 3 injections ( 1 every 5 weeks) before I could bear weight on that leg. The injections are safe... you're not going to get the side effects of prednisone.
