rd too agressive? | Arthritis Information


I know you are all always saying the more agressive treatment the better.  but it seems like he's going really fast to me,  he put me on l0mg. mtx on second visit and raised to 20 8 wks later. isn't that a little fast.  also he explained all the tnf blockers and asked which one i would be most comfortable (says they are all good, just given differently).   I told him remicade, every 8 wks sounded best, esp since i have to drive the hour and l/2 over there to see him anyway.

but I thought the other meds had to be not working first?  isn't this too fast?  appreciate any help.



Mary...I share your concern, but maybe your bloodwork was very positive for ra.....do you know ?  if it was it sure saves alot of time & agony just trying to get the dx! 


hi lulu


oops! i'll try again,   no i'm seronegative.  he says even with low markers (?) that he has no doubt I've got "severe arthritis". I guess because my hands were (are) prety swollen and deformed.


I'll spin this thread. I think that good Rheumys know:

1. the faster he acts, the fewer aches/pains you'll have

2. the biologics, expensive-yes, are the closest thing to a "silver bullet" that is available.

I think that they would all hit the biologics first, if they could.



thanks mike,

i do really like him, i guess i'm very lucky there.  so, expect it'll be up to the HMO anyway.



i do also support his treating aggressively from the start.  aggressive treatment is one of the best ways to prevent damage.  some docs even start MTX at what he moved you to when he upped your dose.   seronegativity has very little bearing on predicting damage or severity.  be glad he is aggressive.  i've never had aggressive treatment and am putting up with needless damage.  but its not to the point of being bad enough to need replacements but it is bad enough that i cannot remember a pain free day, ever.  

thanks wayney,

it breaks my heart to read about all of you "babies" (to me anyway) whohave gone through this hell for so much of your lives.  i'm so lucky that i have had 57 pretty healthy years.   but daily severe pain for the past l8 months.   it's just that the meds are so scary.  but i do think that my rheumy is extra caring and i will listen and do what he says is best


Has anyone been on Remicade for a while? I'm starting on Tuesday and am afraid I'm putting all my eggs in one basket, so to speak. I'm relying on this to work, as I feel I have tried everything else. I hope it works, I've heard some mixed reviews!

Emma, 10 yrs w/AS age, 24

Hi Emma. Don't worry about it. Just give it a try and think good thoughts about how much better  you are going to feel. Worry won't change the outcome. I don't take Remicade, I take Humira, but many people here do. I don't know what other meds you have taken, but what works for one person, won't necessarily work for another. I hope Remicade makes you want to go dancing.


Mary~I don't think I've had the opprotunity to welcome you yet, so welcome. I agree with Wayney in the respects that aggressive treatment is your best option. I see no reason to waist time. Try not to be too overwhelmed with everything you read about these medications. I take MTX 22.5mg as well as Humira weekly. I've had very, very few side effects over the last three years I've been on them.....but I certainly lived with a lot of pain for the first 8 years after I was diagnosised until they decided my RA was more severe than they originally thought. I wish I would have been offered more aggressive treatement early on. It might have saved me years of pain and suffereing. Instead they changed me from one weak DMARD to another until they finally said; OK, this isn't good enough.

Best of Luck to you.


I think aggresive early treatment is the best thing. Stop RA in its tracks. The damage it causes is permanent - the sooner it gets stopped the better.

I did the opposite... now I'm pretty crippled. Wish I had been treated with mtx in the mid 80's instead of gold. I had such a bad reaction that I didn't start DMARDs again until 98.

Remicade has helped me a lot over the last 5 years.

Ditto Mary

I'm glad you have a good doc who is moving forward fast.  Thank goodness the meds are so much better today... 

Marian, I have been told that Enbrel (and similars) actually can reverse joint damage. Not sure if this is 100% accurate, or maybe has to do with the young age at which I was started on it. Just throwin' it out there.
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