Heart & Kidney Ultrasound - Updated | Arthritis Information


I am off to go get the ultrasound done on my heart & right kidney today. My appt is at 8:45am. I even shaved my hairy pits for the occassion

My Echo Cardiogram is April 2nd, same day as my eye doctor appointment. So looks like I will be spending a whole nother day with scary people that like to use needles.
Welp, I am off!
joonie2008-03-20 09:58:29Joonie...I am so hoping that all goes ok, and you get the answers you need.  I hope most of all that your heart is ok, and if it is not that it shows up on the ultrasound and can be fixed. 
I know these people are scary, but they are trying to help!  I always try to keep that in mind. 
Good luck, Joonie! Joonie: I pray the tests won't find anything negative. ** Gentle Hugs **

This following is the info given to me by my doctor when I had my first echocardiogram done:

Ultrasound is a simple, safe and effective procedure that helps diagnose many medical conditions. It uses sound waves to produce a picture of organs and other structures inside the body. There are no known side effects, and the procedure does not require any special dyes or radiation. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound procedure of your heart.

During an ultrasound, a sonographer passes a small handheld instrument called a transducer back and forth over the area of your body being examined. The transducer emits and detects sound wave frequencies too high for us to hear. As the sound waves penetrate the body, they are reflected back by its structures. A computer analyzes the sound waves that are reflected by structures in your body and converts them into a picture that is displayed on a video monitor.

Do you have any idea why another echocardiogram will be done on April 2nd. before knowing the results are of the test being done today?

watchingwolf2008-03-22 16:22:43Good luck !!!!! we are thinking about you! Let us know how it went and what they say.
I never really get an answer! lol
I have had the ultrasound of the heart......that kinda hurt when they push down so hard! jodejjr:

They did the ultrasound of my artries from my heart all the way down to my left & right kidneys. The technician said all looked ok, but the doctor would give me more details after he reviews them and my 24 - hour heart monitor stuff.

The tech did say that my BP was high the other day when I was there. She kept asking me if I had high blood pressure, I was like not that I know of. She said do you take blood pressure pills, I said nope. Then she said in your chart it is showing your last visit on Tuesday that your Blood Pressure was 130/89. She said thats borderline high blood pressure.  I told her the only thing I know of it that I have rapid pulse which was 130 when I was here Tuesday and the lady who took my vitals said my BP was fine.
So... hopfully all that has been done will help them figure it out without the Echo Cardiogram. I go to get that done April 9th. But I have another appointment with my GP April 2nd.
I am still very lightheaded and short of breath every so often thru out the day. It is worst if I am walking around, like thru Freak-Mart.
Oh well... not even going to worry about it much.
I figured I would have heart problems eventually, I was born with a heart murmur, and it went away when I was 4. Then after having my son, I was having these same symptoms I am having now, but now they are more frequent, and last longer.
Oh Joonie, I hate reading that you are going through all this. Hopefully it is nothing more than stress. I can't remember, do you have a history of panic attacks? Is it something they have ruled out? I get them occasionally and it is really awful. I take a med for it and havent had one since. I hope you get good news!!!!
No, I do not get panic attacks, at least I do not think so. But he said it sounded like thyroid or blockage in my right kidney, since my kidney hurts too. I guess I will find out when I go back to him April 2nd. can they call you in sooner if there is a cancellation? Maybe they can put you on a listNo, he wanted to see me back in 2 weeks. I was to be taking my BP 3 times a day, but I can't I do not have a BP monitor. He was to lend me one but, he left before telling one of his nurses. So... that was that. Joonie,
Does your Freak Mart have a blood pressure machine?  If so, take it there.  Just take it at the same machine daily and you should be o.k.
PS:  Sorry about the other stuff, hope you get some good news soon!
Yeah, they have one. Thanks for the idea. I will check it when we go to Freak-Mart today. Have to buy groceries, we did not buy them over the weekend like we normally do. So we were threw off our schedule. When I had mine thurt so bad I had it in the Dr. office...the Cardiologist did it himself........that is all I am gonna say about that!You really  need to take the BP everyday......they sometimes have them on clearance at Meijer. I found one for mother ( wrist one) for under .00.  If you are on a strict budget like me, call and tell the Dr. office to see if you can borrow one that the Dr. forgot to tell the nurse.Geesh, nowI  feel badly. I was looking for  the other older ones we had and I must have already donated them......I will keep checking. If I find them I will get our addy and y send one to you.
Well you are certainly in my prayers Joonie. I hope it was just some fluke come and go thing that caused this and that it left, or that it leaves imediately. I hope you feel better soon.
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