Nodules | Arthritis Information


I hate them. Got two right now on hand tendons. Anybody else get them in there hands ? From MTX ? They're not from MTX, they're from RA.I figured they were disease related but thought the MTX may play a role in their occurence more oftenYes nodules are from RA, but  mtx can also cause/accelerate nodules.

I have one on a tendon on my hand as well...doesn't bother me much though.  I have one on a tendon on my foot which has been bothering me lately, although I've had it for years and it had never bothered me before...seems to have grown a bit larger.
I have them on both feet on the top and they are very painful at times.thats so angering! The doc that put me on mtx told me that is would slow the growths, when I complained that I was getting a lot he said well we can up the dose. Anyway i was told the opp. and had to watch my hands twist and turn, ever since then I have had a lot of damage even after being taken off the mtx.That's probably because Dr.s are very literal. I looked up methotrexate and nodules because of this thread and I think it's one of those situations where people know MTX can accelerate nodule development but it hasn't been conclusively scientifically proven so until then doctors refuse to aknowlege it. You come across that situation a lot with this disease.
Conclusion: Controversy surrounds the management of patients who develop accelerated nodulosis while receiving methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. Our review of these data does not allow definitive conclusions because the available case reports and clinical trials are fragmented and incomplete.
wow! I don't really like being a test subject. Hi 6t5,
I have nodules but they give me no pain or grief. I have one on each of my middle knuckles. The one on my left hand middle knuckle is just left of center and the right hand middle knuckle nodule is just right of center, absolutely symetrical, go figure, I'm so right on average.
Have you made any decision on a new medicine path? I just switched to rituxin and just had my second infusion on Monday. I am not suggesting rituxin but maybe just something you may want to research and talk over with your health care professionals. Hope you are doing well and like me, so looking forward to spring and summer.
levlarry2008-03-20 18:46:24I have scars on a couple of my knuckles from nodules. When I had them when I was little, I would sit and push them back and forth and all around. Somehow, that scared my skin. Weird, eh???

I have the "start" of two, but they have yet to ACTUALLY become full on nodules. It's very strange.
Lev, Right now I'm staying on MTX. The last two days I lowered my Medrol from 4 MG to 2. Bad Idea. Flare Today. Can't wait for Spring. I get the nodules on my tendons, so if you benda finger BAM pain. BTW Not sure if I said anything to you but thanks for the pics of the Brass Rail and it's new location. Nice to see it saved. I have a tiny one that was developing on my toe but stopped and shrank a bit when I started taking Minocin. I still have it but it's really small.