My hubby laughed at me... | Arthritis Information


So last night I was hurting pretty bad, a bit worse than now which isn't pleasant.  He was looking for something to watch and I said, we can play X-box.  He laughed and said, yeah let me go post that on your boards.  She is hurting in pain and suggest playing X-box.  That will help.  I told him my hands are not the major problem tonight.  He once again laughed and said they would be after playing X-box.  Needless to say we didn't play.  I really think Mrs. Pac Man could have taken my mind off the pain for a bit. LoL, sounds like hubby's scared you'll beat him   Really though, it sounds like he is watching out for you and cares. That is very sweet. I completely understand your wanting some distraction from your pain. My hubby has a hard time understanding that.

I hope you are feeling better soon
I usually play video games when my hands are not bothering me. But my hands do get stiffness BAD and then my hands are stuck in the same position as the controller.
The heavier the controller the shorter time I have to play. PlayStation2 I can play up  to an hour, depending on many things. GameCube, much heavier controller and buttons further apart, I will not even attempt to play until I know my hands are doing ok.
I did buy a used game from GameStop last night for the GameCube. It has a microphone that you attach to the controller and you talk thru it to play the game. I will give it a whirl when I feel my hands will are up to holding that heavy controller. I stopped playing Harvest Moon on GameCube, because my hands would swell and be stuck in the position of the controller and it was really painful to get them to move again. He was trying to look out for me and I am sure he was right because my hands are big on the hurt list.  It was just funny because he was ready to come tattle tale on me to my online boards.  Made me laugh. My husband and I play a game called world of warcraft.  We really got into it when i was first diagnosed.  Playing games does help keep your mind off of being sick.My son is into world of warcraft and his laptop is in getting repaired. He is having withdrawls really bad. He can use mine to talk to his wow friends , but he just doesnt know what to do with himself at the moment. I didnt realise it was that adictive.^ Oh, it is completely addictive, apparently. They are going to put internet/gaming addiction in the DSM-IV.

I love video games but the only thing I can play right now is Guitar Hero for a few songs before my hands seize up. I would love to be able to play some of my other PS2 games, but my hands just hurt too much... like I'd love to play my piano, or my guitar, or type, but hands say no. Boo! _popupControl();