I can run, but I can't hide | Arthritis Information


JRA is freakin' everywhere.

I'm at the Embassy Suites for my 'healthy' just turned 12 yr. old daughter's bday sleepover.  Just me, her, and three of her friends.  I haven't been away from my little one overnight in four years.  It just hasn't happened since she got sick.  So this is my first true "break".
As we were getting on the elevator, my daughter exclaimed, "Mommy!  It says JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS!"
What the...
And you know it caught her by surprise, if she called me "Mommy" in front of her friends...
I said (in, let's face it, horror), "Is it like a convention or something?"
"No!  It's a sign.  A gold sign.  Like a plaque.  It says JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS!"
Okay, we are checking it out when we come back down.
Actually, they have two.  "Fountain donations support JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS".  It is a big fountain.  With a waterfall.  So I passed out all my change.   
I don't know what they support - research?  camp?  But it is very nice they do it.
Sigh.  Never get a break.
Tell Suzannesdaughter that i said Happy Birthday. I would tell you to enjoy the rest, but with four twelve year old girls who are we kidding. Try to get some rest when you get home. I hope all of you girls have a great time. They grow up so fast. They are watching a movie and being pretty quiet right now.  They swam longer than I expected, so hopefully that wore them out.  They were cute in the pool - they made up some game that kept them occupied awhile.
They are in the room with the beds, and I am out front on the sleeper sofa.  I think the noise from the hallway might keep me up later than the girls will! 
Suzanne, stuff a towel under the door and see if it kills any of the noise. Maybe that'll help. I hope!

How else has your night gone?

And KICK ASS about the fountain!! Our hotel does um....omg.....brain fart.....the kids foundation with the purple stars.......

Damn. I'll post it when it comes back to me. *sigh*

That woulda killed me all night :|
It's passerby noise, not constant.  Things you never notice when you're back in the king bed LOL.  Where we stay at the beach, the girls wake up at the crack of dawn when all the golfers head out.
So far, everything has been great!!!  They hung out in the atrium, and near that waterfall they could be loud and nobody could hear it.  Hubby brought dinner, and we ate down there, too.  Long line for the manager's reception, so we used drinks I had in the room.  I could have happily eaten just those nachos, too, but that wasn't going to fly LOL.
We came up and she opened her gifts, then they changed and swam.  I had a bunch of those teen heart throb mags with the quizzes (Which reality show is best for you?;  Which Disney star should take you to the prom?) for them to share while they waited on everybody to shower and they liked that.  Then they watched "27 Dresses" and two fell asleep.  It is still on, but one woke up and now the three that are awake are back to the mags and not watching the 13.99 movie.   
All of the staff here has been very nice!  They seem pretty full, I guess Easter travelers since we aren't much of a destination.
Full! HAH! Oh yes, everyone all over is full this weekend. Easter weekend so early this year has thrown us all off like you wouldn't believe. >.< UGH!

I feel like I've been hit by a truck today. I'm working my way towards the bed, I just need to wind down!!! lol
Well, you would hope they wouldn't support JRA. I'm opposed to JRA and think we should get rid of it. It would be nice if they supported research for a cure for it, thoughGo-go, I thought the same thing about the wording, and made sure to check it again the morning.  They actually say, "Fountain proceeds support JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS".
Which implies, perhaps, profit?  Like, after they pay to have it cleaned out, or something?  Katie?  Do you know?  Doesn't matter, I guess.   Win/win.
The signs look like they might come standard "Fountain proceeds support" with an Embassy Suites logo on the bottom, and the individual property fills in the charity.  "Fountain proceeds support THE ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION" would work. 
I thought about asking at the desk, but I doubted they would know - it is probably handled through the fountain cleaners?  
But we clean the fountains.
Hmmm. I'm off the next 2 days so I won't see my GM until Wednesday, but I'll be asking him if he knows - also if WE can start something like that!!!! Our fountain just collects change and looks tacky. LOL

It seems like a charity could go in and say, "We will clean out your fountains if we can have the money; can we put up a sign?"

So maybe that is what JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS did.  I should have taken a picture.  It was in huge letters you could see from far away.  The rest of it, you had walk up to it to see.

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