Humira After C-section | Arthritis Information


Has anyone out that used Humira after a c-section?  I'm 4 month post delivery of twins, started back on Humira 3 months ago and I still feel a lot of abdominal pain.  OB says I shouldn't have pain.  Has anyone experienced this?  I thought it may be due to the Humira.

 I don't have any answers for you...just wanted to say congratulations on the twins!!


Hi Val,

I, like Kelly, don't know either, but wanted to say hi and welcome you.  keep checking though as there is always someone here to help.  What have they done to make sure all is well inside since the  c-section?





     Just bringing val's question back up front in case someone

     has an answer for her

Welcome to the board and hope you find out what is causing you more pain.


I had 3 C-Sections, in 1978, 81 and 83, and I was still QUITE uncomfortable at least 6 months post op. You were  probably quite big with twins, so the body has to shrink back down. Ligaments were very stretched, and ligaments take time to heal.

I doubt Humira has anything to do with it.


Best of luck with those babies.


congratulations on the twins.  I had a c-section with my daughter who is now 14, so it's been awhile 



Hi Val,

I just wanted to wish you...


  1. on the birth of your twins...


Just incase you wanted to start a journal ( when you have time that is) to let family and friends know how you and the twins are doing and how you all are growing together, I added a link for a  web journal at AOL.

My Best to you and your family.



PS: I had twins also...Boy/Girl....





