My group of wayward animals!!! | Arthritis Information


I present to you our family of wayward creatures!!!  I swear the group keeps getting bigger.  Rachel was trying to talk me into a couple more dogs and bunnies and she wasn't happy with  the answer she got either.  Oh well may I present my managerie!!!!  They goes as follows

Sandy the wonder dog, we wonder if she will ever have a brain. She is an abused lab mix we took in.
 The one that is missing is Miss Sammi, she was found hidden in a pile of pallets and she was no more then four weeks when she came to live with us she is now 10 years old.  All of our cats are indoor cats, they are all neutered, the rabbits are kept indoors,they are males and I would have had them neutered but they want over 5.00 to neuter a rabbit.  Rachel takes her rbbits outside on leashes and harnesses, they can't be left out because we have hawks in the areas.  Sandy Vic takes care of her she adores Vic and he enjoys walking her. All of our pets, except for the rabbits are abandon animals, that we took in.  So this is my managerie, so now, will someone rescue me please!!!!
ps if your child wants a rabbit get a female mlaes spray and it is disgusting!!!

Your clan is so cute!!!  I am glad to see I am not the only nut on this forum who can't say NO to animals!!!  We have a siberian husky, a miniature rabbit, 2 rats, 3 hamsters, 2 leopard geckos and 3 turtles.  I am very close to bringing in a chinchilla that needs a home as well!  Call me crazy,  I just can't say no to a cute fuzzy animal!

Meme, your animals are a lovely and interesting brood. I bet they are so much funOh my!  What a crew!

Jas, Guinea pigs make good pets but they do stink.  If you don't like cleaning cages,  I don't recommend them!  They pee alot.

Thanks for the pics of your furry family.
They are a sweet group of animals.  And you're such a nice mom to let them all live with you.  oh meme!!  Love your rag!!! I have a ragdoll.. He's my sweet boy.  Cashmere (cause he is that soft) is a seal pointed, mitted.  I have a pic around somewhere of him but don't know how to load up here.
I love your pets!!  too cute!
We have four cats, a dark tortoise striped female tiger, two brothers: one tan one orange stripped, and Cashmere.  And two Cairn terriers (Toto's from Wizard of Oz?) and an Irish Wolfhound...  I think in another life I was a veterinarian