Weird Pain (not RA) | Arthritis Information


For years now I've experienced random pain--like little pinpoints--sometimes below my ribcage under my breasts, or in my abdomen (right above where the leg connects to the torso). Also I experience a pins and needles sensation when I'm in the shower (I like the water really hot, usually). The only common factor I notice is that I'm usually sitting/lying down when I notice them. These have been around for at least 5 years now...? (I'm 19, 20 in Nov.)

After reading that "7 Pains You Shouldn't Ignore" article I'm a LITTLE freaked. Should I get these checked out?! I don't have high blood pressure, but hardening of the arteries? Diabetes? Appendix? are all possibilities, I guess? I'm normal weight (116, 5"1'), have had RA for about 5 years (dxed in aug.) and am anemic. And am going to college... I can't AFFORD to have anything else wrong with me! (Our insurance may be expiring in October, my parents are in debt/pretty poor, I'm going to school and in a program that doesn't allow me to take a year off....aaaaah!)
Point is: I'm scared. I guess I'll talk this all over with my rhuemie in April.
Any help/advice/anything?
Dunno about the pain, but many colleges/universities have a student health insurance program that's really cheap (like a couple hundred $$$ a semester).  Definitely check it out. If you've been having it for 5 years it's probably not that urgent, but do mention it to your RD. A lot of people have weird little things. Like, sometimes the inside of one of my ears really hurts but it's been doing that for about 25 years and my ears check out fine.My campus actually offers free, unlimited GP visits when you pay the student health fee (which is required, anyway). It's pretty cool