Humira and c-sections | Arthritis Information


I had a c-section (twins) 4 months ago and re-started Humira 3 months ago.  I still have a lot of abdominal pain.  The OB says I shouldn't.  I wonder if it is due to Humira.  Has anyone else had experience with Humira after a c-section?


Congratulations! I have not had a C-Section.

However I am very interested to know how your pregnacy went and what meds were you able to take while you were pregnat? We would love so much to have another baby.

But, I was told by my rheumy I had to go off all my meds. for 4-6 months before even trying to get pregnat. Then off meds. for nine months and not be able to nurse then start meds back up again.

How did you do it? I was also told that there would a higher risk of deformatories if any of the meds were still in my body.

In one year I've been on Methotraxate, minocyline, Alzsurafrate, predisone,diclfuinac, napophen, sythroid & now humria.

Where you bed ridden from the pain?

I misscarred at 8weeks, a year ago June and that off set my RA. The doctors said the fetus released toxicns in to my body that took the form of RA. It dose not run in my family.

Peace & Health to all


Hi!  Both my pregnancies (2 times - 3 kids) were wonderful - I had no arthritis symptoms.  For some reason pregnancy puts arthritis into remission.  I have heard that there are some meds that you have to purge from your system before getting pregnant - ask your Rheumy if you are on any.  I stopped taking Celebrex & Humira 1 month before I got pregnant and never stopped thyroid replacement.  My Rheumy actually said I could be on Humira until the pregnancy test came back positive and I could take it if breastfeeding.

One thing though, I breastfeed my first and didn't take any meds for 6 months... what a mistake.  I was basically handicap 6 months post delivery.  Arthritis tends to hit with a vengeance when your hormone levels drop.  So be ready with the meds.  I don't nurse my twins - but started Humira 10 weeks post delivery and I haven't had any symptoms.   Just food for thought.

Doesn't run in my family either - I was diagnosed at 1.5 years old.

No bed rest due to arthritis, just the opposite - my joints felt wonderful.  I've heard of women who love being pregnant because of the break in the pain.  It's amazing how great you feel. 



Thank you for ou reply. I'd like to know more about your meds & your excpriences with RA & humira. If you'd like to share. 

WOW! You've had RA since you were 1.5years?  How long have you been taking Humira & how has it worked for you? Is tit your only drug besides your thyroid? Which I also am on a thyroid.

I'm very interested in the Humira so soon to your pregnancy & during breast feeding?  I thought I had read that Humira has not yet been tested with pregnancies & out comes are unkownto fetus & during breast feedin? You were on Humira with both Pregs? ANd you Babies are healthy? What are there chances on passing the RA Gene to them?

I've tried 2 alternative treatments and had goodluck with one but I'm to impatient to wait out for the results, but plan on going back after my child grows up. 

I have now had 4 Humira shots! I was very excited the first 2 shots, but the last two have been a bit scary for me. I just got my 4th shot on Tuesday am and today(Thursday)I woke up with a oval hive about bright red with a white ring around it. But, by 7pm the hive is gone, itchy but light pink.  Since Saturday I've had a destrubing amount of hairloss. Three spots the size of a pencil earser and my hair is long and was very thick & heavy. My husband told me to call my doctor about it we are both very nervous.

Peace & Health Theresa Q.

