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How are my friends today?

Well I found a great fybro. site.Been there for 3 hours.Not as busy as this site but with my big mouth I hope to do my best to heat it up.

Pain today as usual.Those stupid ladocaine patches are usless but they do help AMber so it is worth the money.I called pharmacist about it,he said my pain must be deeper that just nerve pain.Reheumy's nurse said call Monday if no better.I guess they willbe getting a call.

Well, gotta get out of the pj's and take a bath.I can smell myself and it ain't good.


Glad you found a good fybro site, but more glad you come back here.

did ya take a bath yet?   :-)

Hi Sheila!

Glad to hear you found a good site. Sorry about the
pain. I've never heard of the patches. Hope you will
be successful in getting something else. I'm going
to ask my rheumy again when I go back for
something for pain also. Haven't been successful
so far!

Hope you had a great evening and feel better soon!

Hey Sheila,  Are you learning much about fibro?  I hope fibro isn't more fun than ra

I use the lido patches when I need them on my back or shoulder or hip etc. They do help if I can find the right spot. Sometimes the pain is worse at the end of the muscle or whatever but it starts at the trigger points. I think someone should invent a whole body wrap. I was diadnosed early on with fibro but my rd thinks its RA. She also says there is a neuropathic component too. Thus neurontin. Provigil has helped the most but then I feel good and waaay overdo and have to pay the piper. I keep expecting the cure that will let me be the way I was before. I can't seem to accept that it ain't going to happen.

Hey everybody.I got my bath yesterday,even shaved my legs and plucked my eyebrows.I look good.

We went to a compnay cookout last night.It was with my husbands second job,a woodworking supply store.it was nice to talk to people face to face but I get more fun talking here with you all.I made another banana pudding and took it, and I must say everyone loved it.

I did get to play with a beautiful golden at the cookout.His name was Lacy.I want a golden so bad.

Well, give yourselves a big hug for me

Love you all,

Hi sheila,

I tried to hug myself, just felt kind of wierd lol.  I'm glad you had a nice time yesterday, despite the pain.  feel free to post your banana pudding recipe YUM!!

Hope you have a good day today, gotta take advantage of those legs and brows



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