Carotid Ultrasound | Arthritis Information


Life is just getting sucker and sucker the more appointments I go to.

The ultrasound tech said she found 2 "nodules" on my Thyroid, while she was doing the carotid arteries ultrasound.
She asked me if GP done thyroid test on me and I told her yes. So she looked in my file and seen that he did order a thyroid test and it was not flagged.
So, just to keep me from having to come back for another ultrasound, she went on ahead and did the ultrasound for the "nodules" on my thyroid. She said GP will look at them today, and then when I go back to him Thursday he will let me know where I go from there.
Still MRI of brain tomorrow.
On a good note... my mommy is coming to stay with me until all of this gets straightened out. Because she is afraid I am going to fall while walking around being dizzy & lightheaded all the time and because my BP & pulse are taking turns going up and down and then I can tell when they are both up, because I feel like I am barely breathing and then that is when I go into catatonic mode. I just look like a freaking zombie and feel like a zombie. All I do is sit there and stare and think "Am I breathing? Oh yeah, there it goes. Breathe. Hope this does not last long this time. Wonder what is for dinner?" I just have a bunch of thoughts, because I cannot talk, just sit and stare is all I can do.
I'm glad your mother will be with you until you're feeling better.  I hope your dr. on Thursday can give you some answers. I am all for tests but I hate waiting for the outcome.

Take it easy...and remember to breathe!! Joonie, so sorry you are having to go through all this.  But everything is better when your mommy is around to take care of you.  Try to relax, and I hope you're feeling better real soon.Thanks.
InnerGlow - I am happy that you are getting to start Orencia. A couple of the people I talked to while getting my Remicade infusions, said they really loved Orencia and how it helped them compared to the other infusions. I hope it helps you and for a LONG time.
It always feels good to have mom when you are not feeling well.
Good luck with your tests- feel better.
It will be nice to have your mum there for you. I wish you well for the MRI.I'm so glad your mom is coming - not just to take care of you, but to take the pressure off of you, worrying about taking care of your kids.  Hang in there, all these tests are going help find an answer.Hi Joonie,
I hope everything works out for you soon. You have had a rough time of late. Enjoy the time with your Mom. Keep your thoughts positive.
Oh i hate that sit and stair thing. Yuk. So sorry. I am glad they found those nodules on the thyriod this could be causing alot of the problems you are having. I hope it is an easy fix. Glad your Mom is coming to keep an eye on you. Be careful on some of those muscle relaxers and things also. Are they keeping a close eye on your potasium level? To much potasium and you can fry your brain. If you don't have enough it can kill you. Let us know how things are going. I am praying for them to get you fixed soon.Joonie- I have 4 nodules on my thyroid.  They aren't a big deal as they grow slowly.  I have an ultrasound once a year to make sure they aren't growing.  It could be affecting your thyroid levels which can cause so many funky things, so I'm sure they will do blood tests to check your TSH etc.
I happen to be hypothyroid (slow).  My mom on the other hand has an actual growth on her thyroid and all of her levels are fine.  Go figure.
Good luck and let us know the results. Hey TheLa! Hope you are doing well.
Yes, I have had 2 TSH tests done. One in August '07 and one last week, both came back normal.
Ok... I just remembered something the tech called them, before she called them "nodules". She said they were goiters. I just remembered her saying that at first, that is when she asked about the thyroid test being ordered. Then after that she started referring to them as "nodules". And said she would be more worried about it if there was only one nodule, but since there seems to be 2, she said she was not as worried as when she thought there was just one.
I am slowly starting to remember things that have been happening and said. I have not had but a couple of the catatonic episodes today. I guess I am getting more oxygen to my brain today. Have not been short of breath today either. But my pulse is 128 and my BP is 134/101. Hubby just checked it for me. I have a hard time squeezing the bulb to pump the cuff up. So after about me pumping it up a couple of times to me feels like I have done it many of times, when I did not but a few times. Darn having no strength in my hands.
What is a goiter? I am not sure if I know what it is. I thought something like a grourd. You know how they get like bumps or pimples on them. That is what I thought when the tech said goiter.
I am going to go take a nap. I did not sleep but 2 hours last night. I was cold, but was broke out into a sweat. And I just kept being woke up by my right leg jerking.
Oh well... now that hubby is home I can take a nap.
joonie2008-03-25 14:37:37I thought a goiter is a big growth on the side of your neck????? Something big you see externally.Hey Joonie-A goiter is just an enlarged thyroid.  The word cracks me up!
I hope you start feeling better soon.  You've got a whole lotta stuff going on kiddo!  La
Joonie - a goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland.  Think of your thyroid in the shape of a butterfly and the four wing tips can become larger and larger.  Mine wrapped around my breathing tube, and the other one had cut my feeding tube halfway before I had a total thyroidectomy. 