Swollen Ankle Could it B something Else | Arthritis Information


I have had a swollen right ankle for over a week now. It will not go down.  I have taken 10mg of Prednisone and 5mg I even took so me advil.  It took away the pain but not the swelling.  I don't know if it is the way I'm sitting in my chair that is making it worse.  I have requested a special chair to help with my legs feeling numb and tingling during the day.  Anyone else out there get a swelling on any part of there body that will not go down.  I'm thinking about making a special trip to the RA Dr.  Help!!Yeah, I think you need to have your doctor take a look at your ankle..hope the swelling goes down soon!If you are sitting with your feet on the ground that is the worst thing you can do.

When I had my onset- for 3 weeks my legs and feet were so swollen I thought they were going to burst and spew water. Nothing would make them go down. I was on 20 mgs prednisone and 2 water pills. I tried to keep my legs elevated as much as possible.
I changed doctors- he jacked my prednisone up to 40 mgs. He told me to use compression, wrapping my feet and ankles in an ace bandage and elevating my legs higher than hip level.
They finally went down.
 Try the compression & elevation. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice.  I'm going to try the elevation.  I did ice it for about an hour and some of the swelling went down.  This is crazy.When I sprained my ankle I had to ice it every so many hours. That was oh so fun...NOT! OUCH!
I also wrapped it and the compression helped.
I realize a sprain is diff....not had the other problem with the swelling from sitting ( yet anyway)
I would think you would want to go to the Dr. to get it checked out, it may be a serious problem. Regardless I am certain it hurts!
Kel I love your video! Mean kittie!  loljodejjr2008-03-25 15:51:24Yes try the wrap with ace bandage also. I did that once with an ankle and it really helped. I need to buy a new ace bandage myself. Deffinately call the RA Doc. Because yes some times the swelling is stubborn.I had swollen ankles when I had shingles. Yuckky. Nothing makes my swelling go down, so I can't suggest any meds...

There are bandages that you can get that are the real deal compression bandages that they use for snake bites and stuff. Crepe bandages are OK, but these bandages seriously rock. They cost but can stabilise anything... I use mine on my wrists and arms, it feel like heaven. Just watch your skin, coz they can cut off your circulation. If I had the money I would wrap myself up in 50 of them! Sure, I'd look like an Egyptian mummy, but I would be comfortable!
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