Onset of Diagnosable Symptoms | Arthritis Information


Although I am clearly getting a whole lot of symptoms lately, nothing seems to ring the bell with my rheum. Is it possible that clearly diagnosable symptoms in the blood, bones and external physical appearances are slow in coming despite the obvious pain and stiffness I'm getting. In other words, could it be RA and it just takes time before the symptom alarm clock goes off and the doctor awakens to the fact that it is indeed RA. Anyone else have early aches and pains that took a long time to manifest as obvious RA?

_popupControl();Yes. Apparently one third of RA patients have slow onset RA, but I think it is more than that. My symptoms were slow onset and took 20 months to develop to the point where I finally had 4 of the 7 diagnostic RA criteria. Early test were all negative, but I had a low titer ANA and was sent off to a Rheumatologist at 6 months, who dx me with FMS. My symptoms were: really bad fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain (no swelling but pain in knees, hips, lower back and a tiny bit in hands), early morning stiffness >1 hr, mid-afternoon crash, and fevers. Last Nov I started to get pain in my wrists and hands, and then at New Years I got unbelievable foot, ankle, wrist, finger, hand pain all the time and my knees would kill me if I sat for more than an hour. I got tendinitis in my palms and my tendons and veins are displaced and painful. In Feb I was finally dx with RA after a tender joint count of >20 and my symptoms, I find out my bloods in April. Look, at first my Rheumy told me that it could develop into anything and put me on NSAIDs and told me to be patient. That's all you can do. Rheumys know when they are looking at early RA, but they have to be sure because putting you on these meds are very harmful for a person who does not have RA. Be patient... you might just get better! I completely understand the need for a diagnosis, I spent 20 months in dx limbo and it is just so difficult to face everyone and explain to them that you just don't know what is wrong with you. But things like lupus and RA can take up to ten years to develop and diagnose...

Are you still having the dryness and did you talk to the RD about Sjorgrens syndrome? I wish i had an answer for you. How many times have you seen the RD? Are you fatigued? An answer will come eventually. I feel for you I truely do. Are you taking any medicine at all like prednisone that would disguise the swelling? Did your anti-ccp test come back yet? That test took a while to come back for me, about five weeks.

I have had problems with foot pain, neck pain and TMJ in the past that were never linked to RA.

Last summer, I suffered from fatigue, weakness, flu-like symptoms.

In November, I noticed that I was losing the range of motion in my right wrist.  My left knee was also a little "gummy", and I was dx with constochondritis.  I noticed that first, then the pain kicked in.  It got progressively worse, and by new years' it was extremely swollen and I couldn't write, etc.  I tested RF negative, anti-CCP negative, but my ESD and CRP were elevated.  Still, only one joint.

After being put on Mobic, given a steroid shot, with no resolution, my RD wanted to do a biopsy to confirm (they tried to get joint fluid but were unsuccessful).  I sought a second opinion and with physical exam was told I needed to start MTX asap and this is likely developing into seronegative RA.  (By this time, I have a significant loss in range of motion in my right list, which RD is worried may be permanent).
I am finally going to see my initial RD locally to get started on MTX on Friday.  In the interim, I have noticed my knuckles on my right hand are swelling, my jaw and right foot are bothering me again, and I have a red, tender spot on my left ankle.  Knees are acting up again as well, as is my neck.
So mine has been a long and winding path.  It may be picking up steam, or hopefully remission will follow...I hope my body takes well to the MTX...
I had symptoms for I guess two years before I even saw a doctor. I didn't have health insurance at the time and I waited until I was insured before I went to a doctor. I knew I was going to be dx'ed with some form of Arthritis and the more I researched the more I knew it would be RA.
Untreated symptoms will likely continue to get worse and more noticable. I'm not sure I would have gotten such a quick Dx had I gone in that first year. Mine started out pretty mild (Although it didn't always feel that way lol) By the time I actually saw an RD I could barely tie my own shoes or lift my arms above my head.
In your situation I think the best thing you can do is to keep on top of it and insist on regular blood work and a re-evaluation.  Since some of your symptoms sound like RA, I think it's very important that it be caught as early as possible so you can start treatment.  Early, aggressive treatment will save you a whole lot of misery later on.  Keep after your doctor to re-evaluate your symptoms often.  Good luck.  I know these early days before any kind of definitive diagnosis is tough. 

what about getting a second opinoin?  Get a copy of your medical records and your blood work/x-rays anything that your dr had ordered and make an appointment w/ another RD...It wouldnt hurt to see another one, while it probably will be a few months till you actually git in, and even if the RD for a second opinoin cant diagnosis you w/ anything clearly hey/she might have some suggestions about what might be going on

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