NSAIDS | Arthritis Information


How many of you are on NSAIDS?  Some?  All?

When my symptoms started, and I had my first huge flare, I was still breastfeeding, and so I was only on tylenol (which did nothing) and darvocet (which also did nothing and made me crazy).  So I eventually realized I could take Aleve, which was the only thing that took me out of excruciating pain, but I still couldn't write or type until I got a steroid shot.
Now I am on 15 mg Mobic (baby is weaned).  It makes it so I can type & write, but I can't hold anything heavy in my right hand.  Thank god, for now, left hand/wrist only hurt a tiny bit, although this is definitely spreading.  And the pain in my right hand fluctuates, and becomes worse even with Mobic if I overdo it.
I am about to start MTX and plaquenil.  Should I stay on full strength Mobic?  Damage to my wrist is ongoing (it is still swollen) but the Mobic takes away the pain.  I was on Vioxx & Celebrex for a year for a problem with my foot until I noticed blood in my stool (sorry if TMI) and stopped cold turkey (foot pain was manageable so long as I didn't do weight bearing exercise).
I guess I'd rather not be on this long term, but if MTX and Plaquenil do work for me (I realize this could be months), should I expect that my RD will then suggest to stop taking Mobic?
KatieG2008-03-26 08:40:50Hi Katie
I have been taking celebrex for years now....and prior to celebrex, I was on some other nsaid..can't remember the name now.  But I asked my doctor a long time ago if I really needed to be taking the celebrex...she said yes and that I'd be surprised at how much it really helps and that I'd notice a big difference without it.
But I guess it's something you need to ask your doctor about.
Since i started the MTX no NSAIDS. What I hate is the fact that if I have any pain or even just a headache all I'm allowed is tylenol because I also take prednisone.
I like Advil- tylenol doesn't work.

I would continue taking the Mobic until/unless the addition of mtx eliminates your pain.  You may be able to lower the dose once you start feeling better, but I wouldn't just stop taking it abruptly.

I took prescription NSAIDS for years while taking weaker DMARDS; but since take MTX I don't take prescription NSAIDS anymore. Now I do take prescription pain medication in the evenings when nessesary and I do take 800mgs of Advil as needed.
My doctor said if I preferred to take OTC IUB I could take the higher dose and get simular results. I found that to be true....and much cheaper in my case.
I take plain old OTC naproxen when needed.  If I'm having a flare, I will take prescription-strength doses of naproxen (with my doctor's blessing). No, not everyone is on NSAIDs, but I would continue taking Mobic until your doctor takes you off it. Mobic and other NSAIDs work cumulatively in a way, in that it can take a while before they start to work. You may just need another NSAID, there are plenty of them out there, or you may need to switch to Prednisolone, maybe ask your Dr. Unfortunately, NSAIDs don't stop the disease from progressing once it has come on, which is why so many people get taken off them, but once your disease is managed, it is quite common to just be on a NSAID. _popupControl(); Yeah, part of what is so scary, is that I am in very little pain (which is good), but I still have inflammation and the range of motion in my wrist and fingers is still getting worse and worse.  So I worry about other joints suffering damage and I can't feel the pain.  My wrist didn't hurt until my range of motion was already significantly limited.
Also, I'm just concerned about being on an NSAID for years and years, since I'm only 30. 
My RD did say the NSAIDs take about 5 days to kick in.

Thanks for your responses, and fingers crossed that the MTX will work!
My RD told me to stop taking Aleve, because of the Prednisone, and to switch to Tylenol.  Does anybody know why?I wanted to stop them because I was worried about stomach problems. I was in myearly 20ties and took a good bit. They can burn a whole in your stomach before you even know it's happening. ALWAYS take them with something on your stomach. That's vey important.
Advil at 800mg does really good for me during those days where I'm working and need a clear head....but I ration myself. I won't take them at that dose for too long before seeking other means of help if I need it.
[QUOTE=anniemax]My RD told me to stop taking Aleve, because of the Prednisone, and to switch to Tylenol.  Does anybody know why?[/QUOTE]

Both are hard on the stomach.  If you're taking prednisone, you probably don't need the anti-inflammatory properties of an NSAID, so regular analgesics like Tylenol should do the trick. [QUOTE=anniemax]My RD told me to stop taking Aleve, because of the Prednisone, and to switch to Tylenol.  Does anybody know why?[/QUOTE]

^ The post above is correct. Yes, they are both harsh on the stomach, and prednisolone added to Aleve can mask intestinal bleeding. The other reason is that in the blood stream prednisolone and Aleve can cancel each other out, rendering both of them (but mainly prednisolone) useless against inflammation and thus not stopping the disease, but still having the negative effects on your system.

_popupControl(); _popupControl(); paperdoll2008-03-28 23:34:47
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