OT:Job: selfemploy | Arthritis Information


I have come to the conclusion after looking for jobs I may just try and be selfemployed somehow. Tim and I were gonna start a biz, I know I am capable of doing "something" to make some kind of money...not enough to support myself on I am sure, but something to get me through till I find employment.

Maybe that is the way people make it now adays.
Try to stay positive Jode....you can do it. Continue to think of ideas and go for it. Go into it with every intention of making a fortune!
Wishing you the best of luck.
lol prob not a going to make a fortune in  this day and age.....but thanks for the vote of confidence Lovie.!
THere is also online transcriptist that is available, but the computer requirements....geesh you really have to have a high functioning computer and the course is a bit pricey.
I always worry about these companies that have you paying money to learn something like that. I don't know anyone that this has worked out good for.
So many companies could benifit from home workers. Data entry stuff. Seems like a no brainer to me. Why aren't more companies seeking these folks.
We had someone at one of these sites that use to do travel agent type things. Book cruises and stuff like that.
I wish I had a winning idea for ya.
Something will turn up. My daughter's future MIL began doing the travel agent stuff. It would be nice to do something online, that way I can move anywhere and still have a job.
Not many places offer medical insurance anyway, and I am certain that will just be more of a thing in the past. SO I figure if I can find something online it may be the best option. I did do online work before for a disables company but they folded.A neighbor does the trasnscriptioning but you have to really type fast to make any money.
Don't know if you live near a large college campus but a few strategically placed ads for proofing college term papers, etc. would certainly catch the eye of the English challenged students.  Actually an addressed to high school students would quite likely bring results.

I'm in no way indicating you do any research or check the authenticity of the topic or resources, etc. but to proof only for spelling, sentence construction, punctuation, etc. 

I am doing *still* transciption classes....Maryblooms teaches it I belive too...If you go with a reputable school they help you at the end find a job and they allow monthly payment as well I belive.Oh which course online are you taking if you don't mind me asking?
Do you have a link?
Check your local colleges for programs that can be completed at home.  If you are interested in starting a business check withthe local library they have lots of good books on the subject.  Also to come up with starting money for a business or for classes check out these two books; The Dummies Guide to Grant Writing and An Idiots Guide on how to Write for a Grant.  Hope that helps.http://www.careerstep.com/
That is who I'm taking my courses through...its ALL online and at your own pace
Well thanks for all the help.
Now I need to find a way to pay for it. lol They are expensive courses,  but most  courses are.

I think the proofing idea was good. I bet all the colleges have message boards where you could post your services for free. Also maybe look into those agencies that employ people to work from their homes doing remote secretarial work. Maybe even send flyers out to local small businesses offering the services yourself.

I don't know if this helps or not, but I'm an Avon Rep and I love it. I do have a full time job (well, 30hrs a week). What I like about the Avon job is, I do it when I want to. So if I'm not feeling very well one day, it can wait until the next to deliver orders, or whatnot. I don't make a fortune, but has given me a few $$ for the extras.I get emails all the time and the majority of them are junk. I started reading this one this morning after praying this morning that God would put in front of me an opprotunity to increase my income. It's SUPER long so I haven't had time to read through it all. Does anyone have time to research this a little and see if it's a scam? I scrolled down enough to see it does take an investment of what looks like less that 0. I'm ok with that provided it works.
It's processing rebates from home. I'd be really thankful if someone with a little more time than me today can look into this. I'll check back around lunch time.

Overall, and a good rule of thumb so to speak........if you have to invest to become employed, it may be a scam. Prob a good idea to stick with solid, well known legitimate companies like Avon, ect.

yeah; should have known. A quick google search brought up plenty of complaints.
Oh well. Back to the drawing board.
jode...yes i agree..if you have to pay them anything to make money its definitly a red flag...tho the medical transcription programs are totally different...Its a certification to be able to do it..Its ALOT more then people think....you have to know what your hearing the drs say, how to spell it etc...its not just type what you *think* the dr is sayingI already have a fulltime job and make pretty good money....but I still hope one day something easy and profitable will drop in my lap. I'm thankful for the job I have and don't have any intentions of giving it up.....but I wold love to be able to make enough to save for my future. At least have a little savings for emergencies. Kelsay, yeah my neighbor does the transcription and it is a lot to learn, expensive to get educated and you do get certified, and the  the materials are expensive and you have to have a certain type of computer......but, if you are really good at typing and listening...and know your stuff, it is really good pay.
The prob she ran into initially was the foreign Dr.s; with their thick accents and they talk super fast. SO once you get each Dr. accent down and can understand them it is not so bad.
It is a lot of work, but well worth it. And you HAVE to write it correctly, otherwise you can lose the job.  If you have too many mistakes or are too slow, forget it.

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