No one will give me any answers (MDs) | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone, yet Again.

I posted on here a while ago. To recap, pain started after birth of 2nd child in June 2007. Joint pain in both hands, wrists, and feet.

I went to my doctor in November 2007 and he did this bloodwork:

November 2007:

Sed Rate by modified westergreen: 4
Anachoice screen w/refl to titer, ifa anachoice screen: positive
Anachoice antibodies, titer and pattern
ANA pattern: negative
Antinuclear antibodies <1:40 titer
(the above results may suggest the possibility of autoimmune antibodies. testing for ena antibodies (sm, sm/rnp, ssa, ssb, scl-70, jo-1) and ds-dna antibody should be considered if clinically indicated.
Rheumatoid Factor: 37 H reference range <14 IU/ml

When to a RD a few weeks ago and this is my new bloodwork:

March 2008

White Blood Cells 2.4 Low (3.8 - 9.8 range)
Sed Rate- 12 (tripled from november but still not "elevated")
CCP < 15.6 (negative)
Serum C-Reactive protein high sensitivity 8.0 (elevated)
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C - negative
TSH - 2.03 (normal, in range 0.35 - 5.50)
Vitamin D (serum 25-dydroxycholecalciferol) 26 Low (30-100 range)

Hand X-rays showed solitary, tiny, well circumscribed degenerative cystic lesions within the infereior portions of capitate carpal bone. No significant soft tissue swelling. Normal radiograph of the bilateral feet.

MRI showed a 2cm tear in right extensor carpi ulnaris tendon. Funny b/c my left hand has always hurt "worse" than my right (I am right handed).

She told me today that there was not enough inflammation present on MRI for her to diagnose me, but that she wanted to send me to a hand specialist to see if the tear should be repaired. She also said they would take a tissue sample and do tests for RA.

I asked her "Is this RA or not" and she said "It might be". She also said that both hands have small erosions consistent with inflammatory RA.

So, I guess my next step is to see a new RD. I am so confused.

Pain has not decreased at all. Opening jars of baby food and carseat clips still very hard.

thanks for any and all help. I am so so so annoyed.Is this doctor your GP or your RD? If it's your RD I would see my GP and ask for advice, or perhaps a referral to another RD. If it's your GP ask for a referral to an RD.

That's all I've got.
It's my RD. Whom I don't particularly like, so I'll go see another one.

From what y'all told me before, it looked like my bloodwork was similar to some of yours in the early stages.

If I don't have RA - strange that I have so much joint pain....

Thank you all so much. I really really appreciate the sounding board and all of the insight.I am not versed in bloodwork. All I can say is my right hip ( according to RD and all the tests) was always very bad.....but my right hip never hurt , it was always my left hip.

It is beyond me.
Well, joint pain can be from a number of things. I mean, it would be great if you DIDN'T have RA, but if you do that needs to be addressed ASAP.

I hope you have a good relationship with your GP. If it were me I would see mine and discuss my concerns. Make sure she or he sees copies of your lab work.Yes, great relationship with GP, he's a cool guy.
I also have a nodule on my left elbow... but they are unsure if it's "really" a nodule or maybe a cyst. Is there a way to figure it out?