daughter had good eye exam today | Arthritis Information


Any JRAers who had problems with uveitis/iritis?  My daughter's eyes are always fine, knock wood, but the last two visits, it seems like the ped opth is surprised?

When we first started going, it was always like a run of the mill exam.  She's ANA-neg and poly JRA, both are lesser risk factors, so it isn't a 'lose sleep' worry for me.
When we stopped NSAIDS (two opinions saying if she didn't need them for pain, don't use them because they do not alter the course of the disease), the ped opth looked very concerned when I told him.  That was the first time I realized they could have been protecting her eyes.   But she checked out fine, and nobody said to start them back up.
So I started thinking of things as 'run of the mill' again.  Then last visit, he said something about how great he thought it was that she had gone this long with no eye inflammation.
Today, he said "Hallelujah".  He's not normally like that.
So...are we on borrowed time here or something???? 
Sometimes I  think all swelling  ebbs and flows. Keep getting her eyes examined though. Glad to hear good news!
Truthfully,sometimes  I think we are all on "barrowed time". Good question!
I haven't had eye swelling yet and I have had JRA for over ten years! So JOY JOY! I hope your daughter has such luck!That's great news hon!That seems weird to me too Suzanne. I mean, I had constant eye appts. Every 6 months. But no one was ever "OH YAY YOU'RE OKAY!!" They were just preventative.
Seems odd.
BTW, what is this now, my 22nd year of "JRA" - no eye issues yet! In fact, I still have 20/20 vision. :) *shrugs*
Glad all of her eye exams have gone so well. I hope she continues to have good eye dr appts.
I have not had any problems with uveitis/iritis, thank goodness. My mom did get my eyes checked every 6 months to a year because that is what the doctors who DXed me told her to do, so she did.
I have an eye doctor appointment April 2nd, but might have to cancel it because my increased blurry vision is more thanly likely from HBP right now. and I am thinking it would be kinda futile to get new glasses when my eyes are not at their normal state, but under pressure from HBP.
That sounds like a good plan, Joonie.  Maybe call and let them know what it going on and see if they agree. 
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